Artificial Intelligence in School Settings by Dr. Ray McNulty
Equity Paradoxes Created by Educational Policies
Dr. Alfredo J. Artiles:
Diversity in America: Teaching Students to Know, to Care, & to Act in Global Times by Dr. James Banks
Women in Leadership by Andi Fourlis
Andi Fourlis describes her career journey and shares suggestions for women seeking to grow their public education careers.
The Journey with Dr. Jack McKay An opportunity to meet some great public educators.
Artificial Intelligence, the Landscape of Public Schools by Joshua Starr
Artificial Intelligence and the impact it has on public education today by Ben Williamson
Equity and Leadership with Gary Orfield and Patricia Gandea
The Future of Public Education with Gloria Ladson Billings, professor at the University of Wisconsin. (Annual Meeting Presentation)
Democracy and Education: The Crisis of our Times with David Berliner and Joel Westheimer
The Future of Public Education with Valerie Strauss, education journalist for the Washington Post. (Annual Meeting Presentation)
Why Public Education is the Best Safety Net for Democracy with James Harvey and Jimmy Minnichello.
Recent Supreme Court Decision and the Implications for Public Schools with Derek Black and Jessica Levin.
Equity and Equality in the Public Schools with Linda Darling Hammond and Joshua Starr.
The U.S. Dept. of Education and the Local Public School with Secretary Miguel Cardona and Julie Underwood.
Critical Race Theory and School Board Meetings
with Bryan Brayboy, Adrienne Dixson, and Daniel G. Solorzano.
The Implications of Charters and Privatization of Public Education with Carol Burris and Kevin Welner
Challenges and Opportunities of Leading with Jeanne Collins, Doug Burge, and Laurie Barron.
Leading a School District During a Pandemic with Jim Sutfin, Luvelle Brown, and Andi Fourlis.
Thoughts on the State of Public Education by David Berliner and Diane Ravitch.