2022 Annual Mtg Minutes

The Horace Mann League of the USA
Minutes of the 2022 Annual Meeting
February 18, 2022, Omni Hotel-Nashville
The meeting was “in-person” and virtual

The 2022 Annual Meeting was called to order by James Harvey, President
Fifty-four members and guests were present.

Welcoming and introductions were given by Remarks James Harvey
Corporate Sponsors were introduced by Ruben Alejandro
The book, “Public Education: Defending the Cornerstone of Democracy” was described by Bill Mathis
The League’s Podcast Series was described by Jeanne Collins

The Outstanding Friend of the League was presented to James Harvey by Virginia Cardenas
The Outstanding Friend of Public Education was presented to Valerie Strauss by Carol Burris
The Outstanding Public Educator was presented to Gloria Ladson Billings by Lisa Parady

Following presentations by Valerie Strauss, of the Washington Post, and Gloria Ladson Billings of the University of Wisconsin, there was a panel discussion led by Jimmy Minichello.

A brief business meeting chaired by James Harvey.
The following were voted on and approved as officers for 2022:

President: Ruben Alejandro (TX)
President-elect: William Mathis (VT)
Vice President: Brent Clark (IL)
Past President: James Harvey (WA)

The following director was reappointed
Virginia Cardenas (TX)

The following were voted to a three-year term as Directors

Gregg Furerstenau, (IL)
Brian Schmidt, (NY)
Joshua Starr, (VA)
Jimmy Minichello (VA)
Lisa Parady (AK)
Andi Fourlis (aZ)

The Past Presidents Award was presented to James Harvey by Lisa Parady

The Passing the Gavel was presented to Ruben Alejandro by James Harvey

The meeting was adjourned by Ruben Alejandro at 1:40 pm.