2022 Winter Board Meeting Minutes

Horace Mann League Winter Board Meeting Minutes. (Draft version)
February 17, 2022, Via Zoom.

Present: James Harvey, Kevin Riley, Jeanne Collins, Ruben Alejandro, Talisa Dixon, Gregg Fuerstenau, Bill Mathis, Brian Schmidt, David Berliner, Spike Jorgensen, Lisa Parady, and Jack McKay

Meeting Called to order by James Harvey, President, at 2:00 pm,
Approval of the Minutes of November 4, 2021. 

Motion by Kevin Riley, seconded by Jeanne Collins to approve the November 4, 2021, Board Meeting.  Passed.

Approval of the Minute of January 6, 2022, Board Meeting. 

Motion by Spike Jorgensen, seconded by Ruben Alejandro to approve January 6, 2022, Board Meeting.  Passed


Podcast Review:  Jeanne Collins reviewed the progress to date on the podcast developments.  Six have been published on YouTube and Spotify.   
Update on Membership: Jack McKay reviewed the membership enrollment by year and state. There are 408 full and retired members.
Update on the League’s Financial Status
2021 Revenues: $37,423.58
2021 Expenditure; $31,586.11
2021 Ending Balance: $7375.40
Preparations for the Annual Meeting.  Assignments were reviewed.

Action Items:
Should the Nominations Committee Report be accepted as amended?

2022 President: Ruben Alejandro
2022 President-Elect: Bill Mathis
2022 Vice-President: Brent Clark
2022 Past-President: James Harvey
Motion by Ruben Alejandro, seconded by Jeanne Collins, that slate of officers is amended.

Should the Recruitment and Retention Plan presented be accepted?
Several ideas were presented around recruitment. (a) Professors offer one-year trial membership to graduate students in educational administrator. (b) State association executives promote the League’s benefits.  Item Tabled.

How the League is involved in the promotion of the book, “Public Education: Defending the Cornerstone of Democracy? by Berliner and Hammons?
Several ideas were discussed.  (a) seek reviewers, (b) sell at meetings and conventions.

Should the 20-22 proposed revenues and expenditures be approved?
Proposed revenues: $42,500.  Expenditures: $41,000.
Motion by Spike Jorgensen, seconded by Ruben Alejandro to approve the proposed revenues and expenditures for 2022.

Should the Board approve the secession plan for the replacement of the current Executive Director be approved?  Plan reviewed by Kevin Riley.

  1. Motion by Spike Jorgensen, seconded by Jeanne Collins to add a person as an assistant to the Executive Director with the understanding that this assistant will assume the Executive Director position in 2023?
  2. Motion by Ruben Alejandro, seconded by Virginia Cardenas to appoint the Executive Director’s replacement in 2022 to take over the position in 2023?
  3. The Board tabled the suggestion that the position of Assistant Executive Director is a permanent position? Tabled
  4. Motion by Jeanne Collins, seconded by Kevin Riley that the current Executive Director be appointed as a Board member starting in 2023.
  5. Items regarding a revision of the League’s policies and by-laws were tabled.
  6. Should the League’s Board develop a proposal to set up a fund to conduct tours of the Washington DC cultural museums? 

Motion by James Harvey, seconded by Spike Jorgensen to create a committee to study the idea of fundraising for tours of cultural museums in Washington, DC.

Should an Ad-hoc Committee on Corporate Partners be established? Tabled

Should the quarterly Board meeting dates for the 2022 year be approved?
Proposed dates: All Zoom are at Noon Eastern
Winter Meeting: Thursday, February 17, 2022, Nashville
Spring Meeting. Thursday, April 14, 2022, Zoom
Summer Meeting: Thursday, July 21, Zoom
Fall Meeting: Thursday, October 20, 2022, Location to be determined
February- 2023, AASA in San Antonio, TX
Motion by James Harvey, seconded by Ruben Alejandro to approve the 2022 calendar of Board Meetings.  Approved.

Should the League’s By-Laws about the sequence of officers leading to the presidency be revised?  Tabled

Motion by Virginia Cardenas, seconded by Jeanne Collins to adjourned at 3:30 pm. Passed