HML Board Minutes June 22, 2023

HML Board Minutes June 22, 2023


Virtual (Zoom)

Attended by: Bill Mathis (President), Kevin Riley (Vice President), Ruben Alejandro (Past President), David Berliner, Martin Brooks, Martha Bruckner, Virginia Cardenas, Jimmy Minichello, Brian Schmitt, Jack McKay,  Jeanné Collins Deweese (Executive Director)


To view the full agenda packet, click here!AnOLVKxdwgg5gWip-vAEz9iyOAeL


  1. Approved March 23, 2023 Minutes
  2. Executive Director Report
    1. Reviewed the current Financial Status- May 31 total is $10, 719.65 of which $7000 is earmarked for savings. Have not paid ED or Post editor since March 1. Need to increase membership to raise revenues.
    2. Reviewed Membership – lower than expected return on renewals to date. Board members are reminded to nominate 5 people. Jeanne will send a nomination form to the board to nominate new members.
    3. Reviewed Executive Director Update
    4. Reviewed new social media sites on FB, Linked In and Twitter
    5. Reviewed Podcast Update: 5 completed this year with a 6th planned. Reviewed draft list for next year. It was suggested to add Andi Fourlis and her district’s development of a new classroom structure for next year. Jimmy shared a proposed marketing plan he would like to implement.
      1. Clarify the objective, mission and impact of podcasts, with a focus on supts, guest speakers and public education
      2. Develop an editorial calendar
  • Schedule social media posts
  1. Write a blog to capture the conversation in a paragraph or two- Jimmy volunteered to do this
  2. Get brief testimonials from guest speakers and use them as teasers to promote the podcast
  3. Make a mashup commercial of previous podcasts, 1 or 2 minutes of highlights
  1. Agreed that Jack will get the list of current UCEA members and send the podcasts directly to them
  2. Agreed on future meeting dates:
    1. Nov 3 (Note: Bill may move this to a live meeting in Dc with Linda Darling Hammond’s policy group- stay tuned but hold Nov. 3 for now)
    2. Feb 15 &16 for Annual Board Meeting and Annual Luncheon
  3. Board Discussion/ Action Topics
    1. Approved Consent Agenda: Executive Director Job Description, Executive Director contract, and Matt Krise Fundraising Proposal
    2. Agreed to table the proposal from Grateful Change until we have funds to consider it
    3. Discussed the Mission Statement and how to align League actions with it. Approved increase in Board Membership: Motion made to increase board membership of HML to “no more than 16 directors plus four officers drawn from a diverse representation of educators. (Ruben moved/ Kevin seconded) PASS
    4. Approved Matt Krise and Carl Hermanns to the HML Board: Motion by David Berliner, seconded by Virginia Cardenas. Passed
    5. Established an Advisory Committee to the board with a charge to identify supts and other educators who can advise the League on issues they face and how the League might step in to help Public Education continue to focus on Horace Mann’s ideals. Marty Brooks was appointed as committee chair.
    6. Tabled Fundraising committee recommendations as Gregg and Brent were not available to give their report
    7. Reviewed the Communication Committee Report
    8. Approved motion to have Jack continue to edit the Post at $200 per issue as funding is available. Moved by David, seconded by Kevin. Pass.
    9. Tabled the idea of a Horace Mann League presentation for future association meetings at this time
    10. Agreed to continue with in person Annual Meeting and Annual Luncheon for 2024
    11. Jeanne will send survey asking board members for Nominees for 2024 awards
      1. Outstanding Friend of Public Education
      2. Outstanding Public Educator
  • Outstanding Friend of the Horace Mann League

Adjourned at 2:49 PM EST as moved by Reuben and seconded by Kevin.