July 21, 2022 Board Packet

The Horace Mann League of the USA

Board Meeting Packet for Thursday, July 21, 2022.

Roll Call

  1. Ruben Alejandro
  2. David Berliner
  3. Martin Brooks
  4. Martha Bruckner
  5. Virginia Cardenas
  6. Brent Clark
  7. Jeanne Collins
  8. Linda Darling-Hammond
  9. Talisa Dixon
  10. Andi Fourlis
  11. Gregg Fuerstenau
  12. James Harvey
  13. Bill Mathis
  14. Jimmy Minichello
  15. Lisa Parady
  16. Kevin Riley
  17. Brian Schmitt
  18. Joshua Starr


Reports. 2

Membership. 2

New Members 2022. 3

Financials. 3

Podcasts – Bill Mathis 3

Future Podcast Considerations. 4

HML Post 5

HML Website. 6

Projects of the Assistant Executive Director 7

Letter to NSBA on future Amicus Briefs. 7

Letter to Americans United on Future Amicus Briefs. 7

Letter to UCEA Members 7

Letter to AASA State Executives. 7

Action Items 7

Recruitment Activities: What is the Role of Officers and Director?. 7

Response to School Shootings: What Should be the League’s Role?. 7

Agenda for the Fall Board Meeting: What is the Agenda for the Fall Meeting?. 7

Location of the Fall Board meeting: When and Where will the Meeting be Held. 7

Attachments. 7

Attachment #1 Minutes of the April 14, 2022 Meeting. 7

Attachment #2 Minutes of Board Meeting May 10, 2022. 10

Invitation to UCRA Members. 12




Members Percent
Regular 242 64%
Retired / Grad 97 26%
Lifetime 39 10%
Total 378


New Members 2022

2021 = 24

2022 = 7


Bank Reconciliation

2022  Start Bal.  Revenue  Expenses  Ending Bal.
January  $                 7,373.42  $                  13,522.68  $               2,290.47  $       18,605.63
 February  $              18,605.63  $                     2,900.00  $               4,725.01  $       16,780.62
 March  $              16,780.62  $                     1,972.68  $            11,390.78  $          7,362.52
 April  $                 7,362.52  $                     4,222.85  $               2,874.98  $          8,710.39
 May  $                 8,710.39  $                     1,670.00  $               1,251.98  $          9,128.41
 June  $                 9,128.41      
 Totals    $                  24,288.21  $            22,533.22  


2022 Revenues Proposed 2022 YTD Percent to date
Revenues Proposed Jan-July Proposed
Beg. Balance $4,000.00  $            7,373.42 184%
Regular $20,000.00  $            8,875.00 44%
Retired $7,000.00  $            4,575.00 65%
Annuall Mtg $2,500.00  $            3,525.00 141%
Exec. Dir. Ass’t $5,000.00  $            5,000.00 100%
Donations $2,000.00  $            8,320.00 416%
Corporate $2,000.00  $            6,000.00 300%
Books/Prints $0.00    
Total Revenue $42,500.00 $36,295.00 85%


Budget Area Proposed 2022 YTD Jan-July Percent to date
Supplies $1,500.00  $                131.30 9%
Postage $1,500.00  $                608.54 41%
Printing $1,500.00  $                797.34 53%
Exec. Dir $20,000.00  $            8,500.00 43%
IRS – State $4,000.00  $            2,338.53 58%
Annual Mtg $3,000.00  $         10,262.27 342%
Exec. Dir. Aas’t $5,000.00  $                             –  
Summer Bd $1,500.00  $                             –  
Subscript/Memberships $1,000.00  $            1,351.87 135%
Technology $2,000.00  $                972.79 49%
TOTAL $41,000.00 $24,962.64 61%

Podcasts – Bill Mathis

A of June 2022, there have been seven podcasts. 

Thoughts on the State of Public Education – 2022  With David Berliner (AZ) and Diane Ravitch (NY), a lively discussion of the current issues facing school leaders; health safety, accountability, standardized testing, commercialization, privatization, and disruptive school meetings.


Leading a School District During a Pandemic

Superintendents Jim Suftin (NE), Luvelle Brown (NY), and Andi Fourlis (AZ) share ideas of how they worked through the COVID along with some creative suggestions of how they have changed things for the betterment of staff and students.


Challenges and Opportunities of Leading 

Superintendents Jeanne Collins (VT), Doug Burge (WA), Laura Barron (MT) exchange ideas of how they cope with the unique challenges and opportunities, such as staff development, collective bargaining, school board relations, and close relations with all faculty, while leading a small school district.


Critical Race Theory and School Board Meetings

Three nationally recognized researchers, Bryan Brayboy (ASU), Adrienne Dixson (U of IL), and Daniel G. Solorzano (UCLA) are in a discussion about Critical Race Theory (CRT). They explained how CRT evolved as a research topic, a definition of CRT, and how school leaders might respond to questions about CRT.


The U.S. Dept. of Education and the Local Public School.

Secretary Miguel Cardona along with Julie Underwood (former Dean at the U of WI) and Noelle Ellerson Ng (AASA Federal) discuss the opportunities and challenges of leading the nation’s public schools.


Equity and Equality in the Public Schools

Linda Darling Hammond, Professor of Education at Stanford University, and Joshua Starr, CEO of PDK, discuss “Equity and Equality in our Public Schools.”


The Future of Public Education

The 2022 League’s Awardees discuss the leadership challenges and opportunities facing school superintendents in the next five years. From the aftermath of the pandemic to the nation’s growing diversity.  Valerie Strauss and Gloria Ladson Billings

Future Podcast Considerations

  • September – “The Purpose of Education is a democratic society” Joel Westheimer
  • October- Public Education is our only political Safety – Jim Harvey (his book chapter) –
  • November –As Good as it Gets” – Larry Cuban
  • December – open
  • January -The Commonwealth — the necessity for equality of all groups, Julian Vanquez Heilig and Patricia Gandara
  • February – Lies and Myths: Obstructions to democracy and Education, David Berliner and Christopher Lubienski:
  • March -Opportunities and Dangers – Artificial Intelligence – Ben Williamson
  • Other possibilities:
  • Carol Burris, Executive Director, The Network for Public Education
  • Samuel E. Abrams, Study of Privatization in Education at Teachers College
  • Ken Zeichner, Teacher education at the University of Washington
  • Peter Smagorinsky focuses on Pedagogy, Mathematics education, Teaching method, Literacy
  • Jennifer King Rice – U of Maryland – Research on Horace Mann
  • Tina Trujillo – educational consultant, and program evaluator.

HML Post

The HML Post is published weekly and sent to:

HML Members = 380

Non-Members = 90

State Association Executives = 48

UCEA Members =1250


The HML Post archives are available for locating back issues for research purposes at:  www.hmleague.org.  Back issues start in 2012.

Click on HML Post archives

HML Website

The League’s website is in continuous upgrading.

The website theme is “Nectar.”

Projects of the Assistant Executive Director

Letter to NSBA on future Amicus Briefs

Letter to Americans United on Future Amicus Briefs

Letter to UCEA Members

Letter to AASA State Executives


Action Items

Should there be a spokesperson for the League?

Recruitment Activities: What is the Role of Officers and Director?

Response to School Shootings: What Should be the League’s Role?

Agenda for the Fall Board Meeting: What is the Agenda for the Fall Meeting?

Location of the Fall Board meeting: When and Where will the Meeting be Held


Attachment #1 Minutes of the April 14, 2022 Meeting


The Horace Mann league of the USA

Minutes of the Board Meeting on April 14, 2022.

Present: Ruben Alejandro. Virginia Cardenas, James Harvey Bill Mathis, Joshua Starr, Martin Brooks, Jeanne Collins, Martha Bruckner, David Berliner, Kevin Riley, and Jack McKay.

To view the agenda packet of this meeting click here.

Minutes:  Motion by James Harvey, seconded by Virginia Cardenas to approve the minutes of the 2022 Winter Board and the 2022 Annual Meeting.  Passed.


Reviewed the membership status of the League.

Reviewed the financial status of the League through March 2022.

Reviewed the sale of the book, Public Education: Defending the Cornerstone of our Democracy.  No information at this time.

Reviewed the podcast series and how to promote viewership.

Reviewed the Supreme Court decisions relating to prayer in public schools

Reviewed the position statement of the League about proposed regulations about charter schools.

Reviewed interest in the Assistant Director vacancy. One applicant as of April 14, 2022

Action Items:

Motion by Collins, seconded by Mathis, to have the Executive Director send invitations to the 50 State Superintendents of the Year, the Executive Directors of State Superintendents, and members of the University Council of Educational Administration.  Each individual will receive a one-year subscription of the HML Post, and an invitation to join the League.

Motion by Harvey, seconded by Cardenas, to not establish a committee on tours of Washington, DC. Passed.

Motion by Harvey, seconded by Collins to have the officer’s board make suggestions on revisions to the by-laws.  Further that a comprehensive review of the by-laws take place after the transition of the Executive Director, (after July 2023.) Passed.

Motion by James Harvey, seconded by Virginia Cardenas to set the Fall Meeting of the Board for October 20-21, 2022, in Austin.  Passed.

Motion by Martha Bruckner, seconded by Jeanne Collins, to affirm the current by-laws that each officer and board member nominate a minimum of ten (10) potential members per year.  Passed.

Motion by Bill Mathis, seconded by Jeanne Collins, to adjourn the meeting.  Passed.

To dos:

  1. Executive Director will send a letter to AASA to obtain the list of the 50 State Superintendent of Year awardees. Then inviting each to join the Horace Mann League. Each will receive the weekly HML Post for one year.  Note to Goldman and Minichello on assistance.

2. Executive Director will send a letter to each state’s AASA Executive Director asking for an email list of members. The Executive Director will follow up with a letter of invitation for membership to each state member including a one-year subscription to the HML Post.  Email to Execs will be sent during the week of April 18.

  1. Executive Director will obtain a mailing list of the members of the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA). The Executive Director will follow up with a letter of invitation for membership to each UCEA member including a one-year subscription to the HML Post. Asked Kevin Riley and Bill Mathis for help.

4. Executive Director will update the League’s website and the weekly Post to include the presentations at the Annual Meeting. Done. Also on the website.

  1. Executive Director will contact Americans United about the League’s interest in being involved in future legal briefs regarding religion in public schools. Letter to AU is to be done this week.  April 18, 2022
  2. Executive Director will include brief summaries of chapters from the book, Public Education: Defending the Cornerstone of our Democracy, in the weekly HML Post. Harvey will do Berliner’s article in the book.
  3. Executive Director will contact Joshua Starr about the possible promotion of the book, Public Education: Defending the Cornerstone of our Democracy, in future Kappan publication. Contacted Joshua about ideas.
  4. Executive Director will follow up with the Teachers College Press on the sale of the book, Public Education: Defending the Cornerstone of our Democracy. Follow up on how are printed.
  5. Executive Director will schedule a Zoom meeting with the President for Thursday, April 21.

10. Executive Director will include the article by Berliner on charter school corruption in the next HML Pos Done by Harvey.

Attachment #2 Minutes of Board Meeting May 10, 2022

The Horace Mann League of the USA
Minutes of. the Board of Directors

May 10, 2022.
The meeting was Called to order by President, Ruben Alejandro at 9:04 am.

Member present via Zoom: Ruben Alejandro, Martin Brooks, Marth Bruckner, Kevin Riley, James Harvey, and Jack McKay
In absentia:  Joshua Starr, Lisa Parady, and Bill Mathis

A brief meeting of the Leagues’ Board of Directors was held on Tuesday, May 10th, to officially appoint Dr. Jeanne Collins as the “part-time” Assistant Executive Director, starting on July 1, 2022, for an annual stipend of $5,000.00. The intention is that the Assistant Executive Director will assume the position of the League’s Executive Director on July 1, 2023.

Motion by Kevin Riley, seconded by James Harvey, that Dr. Jeanne Collins, be appointed as the Assistant Executive Director of the Horace Mann League, starting on July 1, 2022, with an annual stipend of $5,000.00, The intention is that the Assistant Executive Director will assume the position of the League’s Executive Director on July 1, 2023.


Dr. Collins is currently on the League’s Board of Directors, and has experience as president and officer at a number of other associations, broadening her experience to bring to HML (a) president of the Vermont Superintendent Association, (b) the New England Association of School Supts (NEASS), and (c) the Southwest VT Supt Association, and have (d) served on the governing board of AASA and (e) Council for Exceptional Children/ Council for Administrators of Special Education.

Meeting adjourned at 9:20 am.

Jack McKay, Executive Secretary




Invitation to UCRA Members

An email letter was sent to 1575 members of the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) about receiving the HML Post for one year.

The Horace Mann League of the USA.

May 3, 2022

Rachel Laser, CEO

Americans United

1310 L Street NW, Suite 200
Washington, DC 20005

Dear Rachel,

Recently, Americans United provided an Amicus brief on behalf of the Bremerton School District (Kennedy v. Bremerton School District).

While the case has already been heard by the U.S. Supreme Court, we would like to be considered for future cases relating to “Church and State” issues.

The Horace Mann League is a national honorary association of school superintendents who believe that the public school is the cornerstone of our democracy and the separation of church and state.

If in the future, we can lend our support and be involved in an Amicus brief, please let me know.


Jack McKay, Executive Director, The Horace Mann League

Officers and Directors

President: Dr. Ruben Alejandra (TX) – Pres.-elect. William Mathis (VT) – Vice Pres.: Dr. Brent Clark (IL) – Past Pres.: Dr. James Harvey (WA)


Dr. David Berliner (AZ) – Dr. Martin Brooks (NY) – Dr. Marta Bruckner (NE) – Dr. Jeanne Collins, (VT) – Ms. Virginia Cardenas (TX)

Dr. Talisa Dixon  (OH) – Dr. Andi Fourlis (AZ) –  Dr. Gregg Furerstenau (IL) – Dr. Linda Darling -Hammond (CA) – Mr. Jimmy Minichello (VA)

Dr. Kevin Riley (NE)  – Dr. Brian Schmidt (NY) – Dr. Joshua Starr (VA)

Executive Director

Dr. Jack McKay (WA)

The Horace Mann League of the USA – 205 East Stanford Ave. Ellensburg,WA 98926 (360) 821-9877 jmckay@hmleague.org


Thanks so much for your letter expressing the League’s interest in possible future amicus efforts. I wasn’t familiar with the League but am delighted to learn about it now. We share many interests and concerns. And I see from your list of awardees that our now-retired executive director and my former boss, Barry Lynn, is one of your award recipients. (I also know Horace Mann’s work well from when I studied the relationship of public education to participatory citizenship, and I’m so glad to see the work that you’re doing that bears his name.)

We’d love to find opportunities to work together, whether on amicus efforts or other matters concerning making sure that the public schools are kept strong and open to and welcoming of all students.

Best regards,


Richard B. Katskee


Vice President & Legal Director

Americans United for Separation of Church & State | au.org

1310 L Street NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20005

Main Tel: (202) 466-3234 | Direct: (202) 466-7304
