2016 Draft Minutes of Summer Board Meeting

Draft Copy

Juen HML Bd Meeting Howard U.The Horace Mann League of the USA
Minutes of the HML Board meeting on Saturday, June 25, 2016
Washington, DC, Howard University Law School, Houston Hall

Present: Christine Johns-Haines, Martha Bruckner, President-elect, Laurie Barron Joe Hairston, Ember Conley, James Harvey, and Jack McKay

Meeting called to order by Dr. Johns-Haines at 9:00 am
Motion to approve the Minutes of the February 11, 2016, made by Laurie Barron, seconded by James Harvey.  Passed.

Items on the “Consent Agenda” were accepted.

  1. Financial and Membership information

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January February March April May
2016 2016 2016 2016 2016
Starting Bal. $4,957.20 $8,826.72 $6,748.94 $5,444.45 $5,661.61
Revenue $8,154.57 $8,703.95 $3,152.00 $2,186.81 $3,205.23
Expenses $4,285.05 $10,781.73 $4,456.49 $1,969.65 $3,924.97
Ending $8,826.72 $6,748.94 $5,444.45 $5,661.61 $4,941.87

2. New members for 2016 – as of June 2016

John Deeder Vancouver WA 98668 Harvey, James
David Engle Port Townsend WA 98368 Webb, Steven
Gena Keller Palmyra VA 22963 Christine Johns Haines
Leotis Swopes South Holland IL 60473 King, Eric
Andy  Hargreavews Brookline MA 02446 McKay, Jack
Brian Ni St. Anne IL 60964 King, Eric
Brian Schmitt Belmont NY 14813 Christine Johns Haines
Kristine Gilmore Weston WI 54476-3908 Christine Johns Haines
Tobin Novasio Billings MT 59101 Barron, Laurie
Corey Austin Florence MT 59833 Barron, Laurie
John Harrision Austin TX 78701 Barron, Laurie
Scott Jeffery Scott Twp. PA 18433 Fowler, Charles
Bella Wong Sudbury MA 01776- Fowler, Charles
Justin Henry Goddard KS 67052 Fowler, Charles
Kenneth Freeston North Salem NY 10560 Fowler, Charles
Gary Weitz Dodson MT 59524 Barron, Laurie
Patricia Deklotz Wales WI 53183 fowler, Charles
Thomas Parker Ecorse MI 48229 Christine Johns Haines
Mike Fulton Saint Ann MO 63074 Fowler, Charles
David Harris DeSoto TX 75115 Barron, Laurie


  1. Amici Brief – Schwartz v. Lopez

Action Items

1. New Board Member’s Handbook.    Reviewed and accepted as a living document.

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2. Reviewed the Strategic Planning document

Current Membership Status and Progress, Strategy, etc. (Jack, Chris) The “Action Plan” presented by Chris was received enthusiastically and approved for further action by consensus Each officer and board member provide ten names of potential members each year.
Current Communication Progress
Review of International Indicators Activities Dr. Holman will prepare a layout and method to raise funding for a half-page statement in the New York Times Book Review section. Will review proposal at the June (Washington, DC) meeting.
Review of requirements for maintaining tax exempt status All appropriate documents are available for review. Tax-exempt status with the IRS, each year. A 990 N was filed in early 2016 for the 2015 fiscal year.
Executive Director Evaluation Goals for the Executive Director during the 2016 year are:1. New Director’s HB

2.Three potential corporate partners

3.Each board member provides ten potential new members.

4.Provide monthly status reports on fiscal and other matters.

Memo with the Duties and Responsibilities, Performance Measures, and 2015 Budget attached (please correct the TOTAL on Expenditures to read $55,000).
HML Budget, required reports, audit/financial review Monthly status reports on membership and financial matters Monthly bank statements to the President-elect
2016 Summer Board Meeting
  1. First draft to President by April 1, 2016
  2. Summer Agenda to board by May 1, 2016
  3. Meeting place
  4. Participants attending?
  5. Dinners and tours
  6. Corporate sponsor


Current membership

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Each board member is asked to provide the names of ten potential members each year.

3. James Harvey presented a draft review of the use of “proficiency” as a means of measuring student achievement.  Major points:

  1. Proficiency standards are meaningless and bogus as a method of measuring student achievement.
  2. Proficiency conveys a misleading implication of grade level standards.
  3. Not a question of the value of Common Core standards.
  4. The test score results or metrics are questionable measures of student assessment or attainment of benchmark standards.
  5. We are not questioning the standards, but rather the metrics used to measure the outcomes of students or schools.
  6. Current proficiency standards are not grade level standards.
  7. Bruckner’s three points
    1. Understand proficiency implies
    2. Each state’s methods o assessment creates inconsistency
    3. Metrics must include more than tests
  8. What are our talking points?
    1. Keep the standards
    2. Define or replace the word “proficiency”
    3. The standards are not the issue, rather it is finding a way to accurately report the results of the assessment of students in reaching or exceeding the standards (or benchmarks).
  9. Current use of the word “proficiency” are producing inaccurate information about student achievement and the quality of the public schools in the United States.
  10. Media project: Evelyn Holman has proposed a quarter page ad about the Horace Mann League in the New York Times Magazine section.  Comments of the draft proposed:
    1. Image be of contemporary kids, showing diversity
    2. Show date of Horace Mann’s quote about the “Greatest Discovery.”
    3. Use upper and lower case.
    4. Replace “less” with “a lower”
    5. Spell out source of the quote about the US spending on education.
    6. Delete the request to join, rather the link to the HML website.
    7. Consider adding the Thomas Jefferson quote
    8. At top, change “Protect” to “Preserve” public education
    9. At bottom, add to Horace Mann League “of the USA.”
    10. Use black lettering on white background.
  11. Term Limits: Moved by Laurie Barron, seconded by James Harvey, to table the item.
  12. Corporate Partners:  After discussion, the following was decided:
    1. Create levels of support

i.     Presentation Level: $10,000 (includes banner, 5 luncheon tickets, opening presentation opportunity at luncheon, plaque, logo on all HML publications, programs, website and weekly blogs

ii.     Platinum: $7,500: (includes smaller banner, 4 luncheon tickets, introduction, plaque, at luncheon, logo on programs, website and weekly blog.)

iii.     Gold: $5000: (includes 3 luncheon tickets, introduction at luncheon, logo on program, website and weekly blog.)

iv.     Silver: 3000, (Includes 3 luncheon tickets, introduction, plaque, website and weekly blog.)

v.     Bronze: $2000

  1. Executive director will create a letter regarding the corporate partner concept, the levels of participation, the on-going partnership plan, and background of the League (history, purpose, membership numbers, regional representation, etc.).
  2. Each board member is to identify and make initial contact with one potential corporate partner (name of company and contact name).
  1. Horace Mann League – 100 years
    1. Board members are to suggest those to be involved
    2. James Harvey and Laurie Barron to develop and share ideas at the 2017 board meeting.
  2. Annual Meeting day and time.  Agreed to maintain time and day, e.g., noon on Friday of AASA conference.  Registration price is similar to AASA luncheons, e.g., $75.00.
  3. Ambassador Awards:  First Ambassador award to be a plaque, subsequent ambassador awards to be certificate.
  4. Nomination of officers:
    1. Vice president:  Dr. Laurie Barron
  5. Nomination of Directors – Three vacancies created by vice president selection and for Kevin Maxwell and Steve Webb. Those nominated will be contacted.
  6. Awards: Confidential
    1. Outstanding Friend of Public Education
    2. Outstanding Public Educator
    3. Outstanding Friend of the Horace Mann League
    4. Charles Fowler, Suburban School SuperintendentFirst Draft Letter

Meeting adjourned at 3:00 pm, Saturday, June 25, 2016.