Summary Notes Bd.Mtg. September 20, 2021

The Horace Mann League

Summary Notes

September 20, 2021

Virtual Meeting

Present: James Harvey, Ruben Alejandro, Lisa Parady, Virginia Cardenas, Martha Bruckner, Kevin Riley, David Berliner, Jeanne Collins, and Jack McKay.

Dr. James Harvey, President

  1. The HML Annual Meeting in Nashville in February?

Move by Collins, second by Cardenas, to delay decision on Nashville, to be made within 60 days (November 22, 2021)

  1. Suggestions for the Awardees for the Annual Meeting?

Send suggestions to Jack McKay by October 1, 2021.

Initial suggestions:

Gloria Ladson-Billings,

Gloria Ladson-Billings (Ph.D. Stanford ’84) is the president of the National Academy of Education. She is Professor Emerita and the former Kellner Family Distinguished Professor of Urban Education in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction and a faculty affiliate in the Department of Educational Policy Studies at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Christopher Cross,

Christopher T. Cross is chairman of Cross & Joftus, LLC, an education policy consulting firm. Mr. Cross also serves as a consultant to the Broad Foundation and the C.S. Mott Foundation. He has served as a senior fellow with the Center for Education Policy and as a distinguished senior fellow with the Education Commission of the States.

Christopher A Lubienski,

Author of The Public School Advantage: Why Public Schools Outperform Private Schools.

Nearly the whole of America’s partisan politics centers on a single question: Can markets solve our social problems? And for years this question has played out ferociously in the debates about how we should educate our children. From the growth of vouchers and charter schools to the implementation of No Child Left Behind, policymakers have increasingly turned to market-based models to help improve our schools, believing that private institutions—because they are competitively driven—are better than public ones. With The Public School Advantage, Christopher A. and Sarah Theule Lubienski offer powerful evidence to undercut this belief, showing that public schools in fact outperform private ones.

  1. Report of the Nominations Committee:

President: Ruben Alejandro

President-Elect: Brent Clark

Vice President: Bill Mathis

Past President: James Harvey

Moved by Berliner, seconded by Collins, to approve the nomination of Officers for 2022. Passed

  1. Reappointments of current directors.

Virginia Cardenas

Martha Bruckner

  1. Nominated as a new director.

Joshua Starr

Brian Schmidt

Gregg Furstenau

Jimmy Minichello

Lisa Parady

Andi Fourlis


Moved by Alejandro, seconded by Cardenas, that the reappointments and new directors be approved.  Passed

Suggestion to review the bylaws regarding officer transition and board membership.  Jack McKay.

Notes submitted by Jack McKay, Executive Director