Minutes of August 9, 2024

Horace Mann League Minutes

August 9, 2024

Virtual Meeting 1pm EST
Present: President-Elect Kevin Riley, Treasurer Maria Armstrong, Past-President Bill Mathis, Directors: Ruben Alejandro, David Berliner, Martin Brooks, Martha Bruckner, Matthew Krise, Jack McKay, Jimmy Minichello, Executive Director Jeanné Collins Deweese

Minutes of May 21, 2024: Ruben Alejandro moved to approve the minutes of May 21, 2024; seconded by Martin Brooks. Passed unanimously.

Executive Director’s Report:

  • Financial Update: Credit Card debt from Feb. luncheon is paid off. Much appreciation given to Matthew Krise, Kathy Hurley and Gregg Furstenau for seeking donations to HMLeague to help us get on track.
  • Membership Update:54 new members in 2024 thus far. Discussion recommended pursuing university student memberships and getting supt email list to invite superintendents across the country.
  • Podcast updates- James Banks and Alfredo Artiles have both recorded their presentations with Jimmy Minichello. Suggestions included doing podcases with Champions of Public Education when identified.
  • Membership Benefits update:
    • Champions of Public Education needs to be up and running by September.
      • Committee to assist in reviewing Champions of Public Education nominations: Ray Sanchez, Carl Hermanns
    • Executive/ Leadership Coaching- Jeanné proposed a two-year pilot to offer to our members at a consistent, reduced rate. After discussion, the Board agreed to the concept and asked for information at their Nov meeting, specifically on how coaches will be selected and what a common contract can look like. There was a suggestion that board members who are qualified might also coach, or members who are qualified.
  • Conference: 1st Inaugural HMLeague Conference on Democracy in Education will be held Feb 5-7 in Charleston, SC at the Lindy Renaissance Charleston Hotel. Registration information will be sent to the Board as soon as it is ready. Maria is having a flyer made up to notify members of the opportunity. The goal is to have 30-40 members attend this first year and to increase attendance over future annual conferences.
    • Ruben moved to approve the hotel contract; seconded by David Berliner PASS
    • Board members are asked to help invite people to attend
    • Martin suggested we ask superintendent search firms to sponsor us. Sponsorships are key to making this conference work financially for HML. The board discussed the calculated risks and return.
    • Conference planning committee: David Berliner, Martin Brooks, Matt Krise, Maria Armstrong, Ruben Alejandro, Ray Sanchez
  • Communications Toolkit- Carl and David are leading on this project. Using two Ed Week articles and a picture of the national landscape, Carl and David will write an initial piece to paint the picture in AZ, to include who is funding the ESA push. They then will solicit a series of articles that provide a more comprehensive picture of how ESAs/ vouchers are threatening public education across the country. Jimmy has offered to help create template letters from these writings for superintendents to use as a toolkit.
  • Nominations are now being accepted from the board for Outstanding Public Educator, Outstanding Friend of Education, Outstanding Friend of the League. Consider a superintendent for OPE and perhaps higher ed or other members for OFE. Due to Jeanne by Oct 1.


  • Please send nominations for Champions of Public Education to Jeanné. Nominations should include name, email contact, phone, position, and why you are nominating them, including a sample of work you are nominating them for.
  • Next meeting is changed to Oct 31 at 1pm EST. I will send meeting invitations to the Annual Meetings as well shortly.


Adjourn: Move to adjourn by Martin Brooks; seconded by Martha Bruckner at 2:15 pm. PASS

Future Meetings:

Fall Board Meeting                           Thursday, Oct. 31, 1 PM EST Virtual

Inaugural HML Conference              Feb 5-7, Charleston, SC

Annual Meetings:

Board                                     March 6, New Orleans AASA NCE

Luncheon                               March 7, New Orleans AASA NCE