The Horace Mann League of the USA
Winter Meeting of the Board of Directors
HML Winter Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday, February 18, 2021, 9:00 am Pacific
Present: Lisa Parady, James Harvey, Ruben Alejandro, Laurie Barron, Bill Mathis, Martha Bruckner, Martin brooks, Kevin Riley, Brent Clark, Jeanne Collins, and Jack McKay
Meeting called to order at 9:00 am Pacific by Lisa Parady
Minutes: 2020 Summer Board Meeting. Motion by Ruben Alejandro, seconded by Kevin Riley. Passed.
- Membership Update: Reviewed. (Suggested a survey of members Bill Mathis and Kevin Riley will help design survey.)
- 2020 Revenue and Expenditures: Reviewed.
- Corporate Partnerships: Reviewed.
- Strategic Plan Update: Reviewed
- 100th Anniversary Book: Reviewed
- Media Presence: Reviewed
Action Items
- Membership Recruitment Plan: Motion by Laurie Barron, Seconded by James Harvey. Each officer and director provide a minimum of six, but not more than eight potential members. Passed
- Corporate Partnership Plan: Motion by James Harvey, seconded by Rubin Alejandro. Each Board Member provides one corporate contact within the next three months. Passed
- Quarterly Board Meetings: Motion by Ruben Alejandro, seconded by James Harvey. 1st Quarter on February 18; 2nd quarter on May 6; 3rd quarter on August 5; and 4th quarter on November 4. Passed
- Strategic Plan: Motion by Ruben Alejandro, seconded by James Harvey. 1) Recruitment of new Members, 2) Recruitment of Corporate Partners. 3) Advocacy campaign for Public Education. 4) Online Presence of the League’s Activities. 5) Special Publication of topics of interest. 6) Collaboration with “like-minded” Associations for the advocacy of Public Education. 7) Provide a link to HML Post to join.
- Legal Issues relating to Federal Funds: Referred to a committee to formulate a purpose statement. Bill Mathis and Laurie Barron.
- Guidelines for New Directors. Item tabled for further study.
- 2021 Budget: Motion by Laurie Barron, seconded by James Harvey to approve the 2021 budget. Proposed revenues: $34.433.58 and expenditures of $33,500.00.
- Annual Meeting: Reviewed assignments
Adjourned at 10:35 Pacific
To do:
- Create a form for donating funds on behalf of a new member. (Martha Bruckner)
- Create a survey to determine the demographics of members of the League. (James Harvey, Ruben Alejandro, Kevin Riley, and Martha Bruckner.) Involve all officers and directors before distribution s to members.
- Apply for PPP grant through Sound Community Bank. (Laurie Barron, James Harvey, and Lisa Parady)
- Check with AASA on a possible ad in the AASA Journal. (Lisa Parady and Brent Clark
- Provide a list of members of the League who did not renew.
- Send James Harvey a list of members.
Submitted by Jack McKay, Executive Director
Click here to review the Winter Meeting ∫oard Packet