Executive Director Job Description

Job Title: Executive Director

General Responsibilities: The Executive Director is the Chief Executive Officer of the Horace Mann League (HML) of the United States of America, Inc. The Executive Director is responsible for overseeing the administration of the work of the League, and, in cooperation with the Board of Directors, ensuring the organization’s consistent achievement of its mission and financial goals. Other key duties, as directed by the Board, include fundraising, membership engagement, and outreach.

Qualifications: The Executive Director shall:

  • Have a broad background of experience related to organizational development and leadership, including significant experience in organizations and activities related to public schools
  • Have excellent integrity and demonstrate good moral character
  • Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively
  • Skilled in the use of multiple communication media and technology
  • Submit to a criminal and financial background check appropriate to the position, as determined by the Board of Directors

Duties and Responsibilities: As the sole, and part-time, an employee of the Horace Mann League, the duties and responsibilities in this job description are necessarily broad in scope. It is intended that the Executive Director will work in concert with the officers, Board, and members to see to their accomplishment and the accomplishment of any other duties and responsibilities as may be assigned by the Board of Directors.

  • Works collaboratively and cooperatively with the Board of Directors in order to fulfill the mission of
  • Responsible for providing administrative support for HML in a manner that reinforces the organization’s values, principles, vision, and mission as defined by the
  • Responsible for communicating with the Board and providing, in a timely and accurate manner, all information necessary for the Board to function properly and to make informed
  • At the direction of the Board, works to identify “trends” and “horizon issues” facing educational leaders and prepare short member surveys and information briefs designed to help members respond to these trends and issues.
    At the direction of the Board, provide leadership in orienting new board as needed.

Financial Performance and Viability: Administers HML resources at the direction of the Board and in a manner that ensures the financial health of HML.

  • Responsible for the fiscal integrity of HML by providing the Board with a proposed annual budget and monthly financial statements, which list assets, liabilities, expenditures, income, and which contain other supporting documents necessary to accurately reflect the financial status of the
  • Responsible for fiscal management that operates within the approved budget ensures maximum resource utilization and maintains the organization in a positive financial
  • At the direction of the Board, responsible for fundraising and developing other resources, including maintaining and managing membership, necessary to support HML’s mission.
  • Responsible for developing and implementing procedures that ensure compliance with federal and state laws and provide the Board with an annual certification of compliance.
  • Responsible for ensuring an annual review of insurance coverage provisions by a licensed insurance professional and reporting the results of such review to the Board in a timely manner, together with recommendations for any needed changes in coverage, and associated funding
  • Responsible for ensuring an annual third-party audit of the League’s finances, with the report thereof to be submitted directly to the Board of

Organization Mission and Strategy: Works collaboratively and cooperatively with the Board of Directors to ensure that the HML mission is fulfilled through strategic planning, membership engagement and outreach.

  • Responsible under the direction of the Board for strategic planning to ensure that HML can successfully fulfill its mission into the
  • Responsible for implementation and oversight of HML’s programs that carry out the organization’s mission.
  • Responsible for helping the HML maintain a positive image in the country’s educational community by being proactive and visible in that community, by developing and disseminating member-specific communication tools, including toolkits, the annual report, and other communication resources as appropriate and as directed by the  Board.
  • Ability to work collaboratively with like minded organizations concerned with improving public education.

Organizational Operations: Oversees and implements appropriate resources to ensure that the operations of HML are appropriate.

  • Responsible for the effective administration of HML operations, including the maintenance of official records, website, and documents and compliance with federal and state laws.
  • Responsible for maintaining and updating an Executive Director’s Handbook identifying the major tasks and specific functions of the position and associated timelines.
  • At the direction of the Board of Directors, execute contracts and agreements, conduct official correspondence on behalf of the Board, and execute and maintain other documents entered into on behalf of the Board
  • Responsible for providing the Board quarterly reports regarding additions and renewals to and resignations from HML memberships and providing a list of all newly nominated members.


Employment Terms: The Executive Director shall serve annual appointments at the pleasure of the Board of Directors. The compensation for the position shall be determined by the Board on an annual basis and shall include reimbursement of reasonable travel costs incurred while conducting the business of the League.

At the beginning of each year, the Executive Director shall establish cooperatively with the Officers of the Board a set of specific job performance goals for the year ahead, which, in addition to the Duties and Responsibilities listed in the Job Description, shall be subject to an Annual Evaluation by the Officers.

The results of the Annual Evaluation shall be reported to and approved by the Board of Directors


  1. The Executive Director shall serve as Treasurer of The Horace Mann League, responsible for receiving and disbursing funds in accordance with the provisions of an Annual Budget approved by the Board, or as the Executive Director may otherwise be directed by the Board.