Chart on Issues by Political Party

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Platform with references

A comprehensive comparison table highlighting the differences between Democrats and Republicans on Various K-12 Education Issues by Jack McKay 

School ChoiceTend to support traditional public schools and oppose vouchers or charter schools. Advocate for increased regulation of charter schools to ensure accountability and equity.Tend to support school choice initiatives, including vouchers, charter schools, and tax credits for private school tuition. Emphasize parental choice and competition as drivers of educational improvement.National Education Association (NEA). (n.d.). School Choice. Republican National Committee. (n.d.). Education.
Equity of OpportunityAdvocate for policies and funding to address disparities in educational access and resources, aiming to level the playing field for all students regardless of race, income, or zip code. Support initiatives such as equitable school funding formulas.Support equal opportunity but may prioritize market-driven solutions, such as school choice and vouchers, as means of expanding access to high-quality education. Some Republicans may oppose affirmative action policies and prioritize merit-based admissions or scholarships.Democratic National Committee. (n.d.). Education. Republican National Committee. (n.d.). Education. 
Funding to Promote EquityAdvocate for equitable funding formulas that allocate resources based on need, aiming to reduce disparities between wealthy and low-income districts. Support increased funding for schools serving disadvantaged students.    Support local control of funding and argue for market-based solutions, suggesting that increased competition will incentivize schools to improve and innovate. May prioritize funding flexibility over equity concerns.National Education Association (NEA). (n.d.). Funding & Equity. Republican National Committee. (n.d.). Education. 
Universal KindergartenSupport universal access to high-quality pre-kindergarten programs as a means of promoting school readiness and closing achievement gaps. May advocate for increased public funding for early childhood education initiatives.May prioritize local control and parental choice in early childhood education, with some Republicans supporting targeted investments in early literacy programs rather than universal kindergarten.Democratic National Committee. (n.d.). Education. Republican National Committee. (n.d.). Education. 
Professional DevelopmentAdvocate for comprehensive professional development programs to support teachers’ ongoing growth and effectiveness. May prioritize funding for mentorship programs, collaborative learning communities, and opportunities for advanced certification.Support professional development opportunities but may emphasize alternative certification pathways, merit-based pay, and greater flexibility for teachers in choosing their own development activities.National Education Association (NEA). (n.d.). Professional Learning. Republican National Committee. (n.d.). Education. 
Diversity in the CurriculumAdvocate for diverse and culturally responsive curriculum that reflects the experiences and perspectives of all students. Support efforts to incorporate multicultural literature, history, and perspectives into the curriculum.      May prioritize a traditional curriculum focused on core subjects and essential knowledge, with less emphasis on multicultural or diverse perspectives. Support local control over curriculum decisions.National Education Association (NEA). (n.d.). Culturally Responsive Education. Republican National Committee. (n.d.). Education.   
Standardized TestingDemocrats generally support standardized testing as a means to measure student progress and hold schools accountable. They argue for equitable testing practices and using test results to identify areas for improvement in schools.Republicans tend to advocate for increased emphasis on standardized testing, viewing it as a crucial tool for ensuring accountability and measuring educational outcomes. They often support policies that tie funding or teacher evaluations to test performance.National Education Association (NEA). (n.d.). Standardized Testing. Republican National Committee. (n.d.). Education. 
Social-Emotional LearningSupport the integration of social-emotional learning (SEL) into curriculum and school culture to promote students’ emotional well-being, interpersonal skills, and resilience. Advocate for comprehensive SEL programs that address students’ social and emotional needs.May support social-emotional learning initiatives but prioritize academic achievement and traditional disciplinary approaches. May emphasize personal responsibility and character education over explicit SEL instruction.National Education Association (NEA). (n.d.). Social and Emotional Learning. National Committee. (n.d.). Education.
Technology IntegrationAdvocate for the responsible integration of technology into teaching and learning to enhance student engagement, personalized learning, and digital literacy skills. Support funding for technology infrastructure.Support technology integration in education but may prioritize market-driven approaches, such as partnerships with private technology companies and online learning platforms. May emphasize the use of technology for efficiency and cost savings.NEA (NEA). (n.d.). Technology in Education. Republican National Committee. (n.d.). Education. 
Tuition VouchersGenerally, oppose tuition voucher programs, viewing them as diverting public funds to private schools and undermining public education. Prefer investing in public school improvement efforts.Often support tuition voucher programs, advocating for school choice and increased options for parents, including the use of public funds to support attendance at private or charter schools. National Education Association (NEA). (n.d.). Vouchers. National Committee. (n.d.). Education. 
Climate ChangeGenerally, recognize climate change as a scientific reality and advocate for teaching about climate science and its impacts in schools. Support efforts to address climate change through education, policy, and community engagement.Positions on climate change may vary within the Republican Party, with some members expressing skepticism or denial of climate science. Some Republicans may oppose teaching about climate change in schools or advocate for presenting alternative viewpoints.Democratic National Committee. (n.d.). Environment and Climate Change. Republican National Committee. (n.d.). Education. 
AccountabilitySupport accountability measures that hold schools and educators responsible for student outcomes. Advocate for transparency, data-driven decision-making, and interventions in low-performing schools. May prioritize equity and closing achievement gaps. Support accountability measures but may emphasize local control and flexibility in meeting accountability standards. May advocate for reducing federal involvement in education and empowering states and local districts to develop their own accountability systems.National Education Association (NEA). (n.d.). Accountability. Republican National Committee. (n.d.). Education. 
Teacher SalariesAdvocate for increasing teacher salaries to attract and retain high-quality educators. Support initiatives such as merit-based pay, higher minimum wages for teachers, and funding increases for teacher training.Support merit-based pay and performance incentives for teachers. May emphasize market-driven solutions, such as competition and school choice, to improve teacher quality and effectiveness.Democratic National Committee. (n.d.). Education. National Committee. (n.d.). Education. 
Parental RightsDemocrats generally support parental involvement in education but prioritize policies that ensure equal access to quality education for all students, sometimes leading to tensions between parental rights and broader educational goals. They may advocate for policies such as comprehensive sex education and LGBTQ+ inclusive curriculum, which some parents may oppose.Republicans often champion parental rights in education, advocating for policies that give parents more control over their children’s schooling, such as school choice initiatives, vouchers, and homeschooling options. They may oppose certain curriculum mandates they see as infringing on parental values or religious beliefs.Democratic National Committee. (n.d.). Education. National Committee. (n.d.). Education.
Religion in the CurriculumSupport teaching about religion in a neutral, objective manner as part of a comprehensive education in history, social studies, and cultural studies. Advocate for respecting students’ diverse religious backgrounds and promoting religious literacy. Support religious freedom in schools but may advocate for limits on religious expression or instruction in public schools to avoid favoring or endorsing any particular religion. May support voluntary religious activities or clubs outside of instructional time.National Education Association (NEA). (n.d.). Religion in Schools. Republican National Committee. (n.d.). Education.
Patriotism in the SchoolsSupport teaching about American history, government, and civic values to promote patriotism and civic engagement.Advocate for fostering students’ understanding of democratic principles, civic responsibilities, and national identity.Emphasize patriotism and national pride but may prioritize traditional narratives of American history and exceptionalism.May support policies promoting flag displays, pledges of allegiance, and patriotic ceremonies in schools. Democratic National Committee. (n.d.). Education. Republican National Committee. (n.d.). Education. 
Banning BooksOppose censorship and support academic freedom, advocating for the inclusion of diverse viewpoints and controversial topics in school curricula and libraries.May prioritize policies protecting students’ rights to access information and ideas.May support local control over curriculum decisions, allowing communities to determine appropriate materials for their schools.Some Republicans may advocate for restrictions on certain books or materials deemed objectionable.National Coalition Against Censorship. (n.d.). Censorship and Book Banning in America. Republican National Committee. (n.d.). Education.
Teaching about DemocracyDemocrats prioritize teaching about democracy as part of civics education, emphasizing the importance of understanding democratic principles, government structures, and civic engagement. They support inclusive curricula that promote critical thinking and active citizenship.Republicans often advocate for teaching about democracy with an emphasis on traditional American values, the Constitution, and free-market principles. They may prioritize patriotism and national identity in civics education, sometimes advocating for less government involvement in curriculum development.National Education Association (NEA). (n.d.). Civics and Government. National Committee. (n.d.). Education. 
Teaching about InclusionSupport incorporating a broader range of historical events and figures, including those from marginalized communities, to provide a more inclusive understanding of democracy’s development.May advocate for teaching about the contributions of women, people of color, and other historically underrepresented. While acknowledging the importance of diverse perspectives, may prioritize a curriculum centered on key historical figures and events traditionally associated with the founding of the United States.Emphasize the significance of teaching about the American Revolution, the Constitution, and the founding principles of the nation.Democratic National Committee. (n.d.). Education. Republican National Committee. (n.d.). Education. 
Funding and support of the public schoolGenerally, advocate for increased funding for public schools and support policies aimed at reducing educational disparities, such as funding for low-income districts and Title I programs.May support initiatives to increase teacher salaries and improve resources in public schools.While supportive of public education, Republicans may prioritize policies that promote school choice and competition, such as charter schools and voucher programs.May advocate for reforms aimed at increasing efficiency and accountability in public schools.National Education Association (NEA). (n.d.). Funding & Equity. Republican National Committee. (n.d.). Education. 
Role of the public schoolView public schools as essential institutions for promoting equity, social mobility, and democratic values. Emphasize the role of public schools in fostering a sense of community, providing a common educational experience for all students, and preparing them for active citizenship.While acknowledging the importance of public schools, May  emphasize the role of families and communities in education, advocating for greater parental involvement and local control over education policy. Stress the importance of instilling traditional values, character education, and discipline in public schools.Democratic National Committee. (n.d.). Education. Republican National Committee. (n.d.). Education. 
Early Childhood EducationTypically support expanding access to high-quality early childhood education programs, such as universal pre-kindergarten, Head Start, and other early intervention programs. Advocate for increased funding for early childhood education to ensure equitable access, especially for low-income families.While acknowledging the importance of early childhood education, Republicans may prioritize policies that emphasize parental choice and involvement, such as tax credits or vouchers for private preschool programs.  Advocate for policies that promote flexibility and innovation in early childhood education, including partnerships with private providers and community organizations.National Education Association (NEA). (n.d.). Early Childhood Education. National Committee. (n.d.). Education. 

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