1997 Annual Mtg. – Orlando

Horace Mann League 
Minutes of the Annual Meeting 
February 13, 1997
Orlando, FL

Meeting presided by Terry Grier, President

Meeting called to order at 4:15 pm.

Present: Terry Grier, Cleveland Hammonds, Jane Hammond, Kenneth Bird, Larry Dlugosh, Judy Ferguson, Spike Jorgensen, Stuart Thompson, and Jack McKay

Absent: Paul Houston, Benjamin Canada, Virginia Grzymkowski, Joan Kowal, Thomas Persing, Beverly Reep, Scott Rose, Charles Scott, and Art Steller.

1. Motion to approve minutes of June 29-30, 1996, made by Cleveland, seconded by Ken Bird. Passed.

2. Membership update: 521 paid 1996 membership, 728 on mailing list.

3. Reviewed Annual Meeting and Luncheon arrangements.

4. Reviewed Strategic Plan:

4.1 Reviewed marketing strategies of The Art of Teaching book. 606 sold, 215 gifts, 86 inventory.

4.2 Reviewed progress on federal approval of a Horace Mann postage stamp. Encouraged to submit letters of support.

4.3 Reviewed and made recommendations for the HML web site. Discussion of sensitivity of including articles and research that may jeopardize superintendent – school board relations.

4.4 Reviewed proposed draft of the HML Foundation. Motion to establish the Horace Mann League Foundation made by Spike Jorgenson, seconded by Ken Bird.

4.5 Reviewed results of the HML Survey of Destructive Factors. Discussed process of making presentation at the annual meeting.

4.6 Reviewed presentation format for luncheon, AASA, and NSBA presentations.

4.7 Reviewed concept of developing a list of experts on public education.

4.8 Reviewed concept of sharing “Top Ten Factors” with state and federal government leaders.

4.9 Reviewed strategies for monitoring state and federal legislation and judicial decisions. Three attorneys have agreed to provide monitoring service for the League.

4.10 Reviewed concept of developing a recruitment packet for potential new members.

4.11 Reviewed strategies for recruitment of new members. Further discussion on membership target.

4.12 Reviewed format for ad-hoc meeting of members at a pre-luncheon meeting.

4.13 Reviewed Awards presentation.

4.13.1 Reviewed feasibility of an award for 15 or more years of membership.

4.13.2 Reviewed the Outstanding Educator Award (Dr. David Berliner).

4.13.3 Reviewed the presenting of the Ambassador Award (Roberta Jackson, Judy Ferguson, Doug Townsend, Art Steller, and Terry Grier

4.14. Reviewed nominations for officers and Board.

4.15 Approved 1997 budget.

4.16 Approved Summer Board of Directors’ meeting for June. Travel and lodging not included.

5. Meeting adjourned at 6:00 pm

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