The Horace Mann League’s 2021 Awards
The Horace Mann League’s Board of Directors selected three outstanding individuals who have shown a deep regard and commitment to the importance of the public school as the cornerstone of every community.
Awards will be at the “virtual” 99th Annual Meeting of the League, held on Friday, February 19th. More information and registration will be in future issues in the HML Post.
Outstanding Public Educator

Prior to joining PDK, Dr. Starr was superintendent of schools in Montgomery County Public Schools in Maryland for nearly four years and previously superintendent of schools for Stamford, Conn., for six years. Starr earned his undergraduate degree from University of Wisconsin-Madison, Masters in Sp.Ed. from Brooklyn College, and Doctorate from Harvard Graduate School of Education with specialization in the Urban Superintendents Program.
Outstanding Friend of Public Education

Born and raised along the border in a small barrio in Laredo, Texas, Consuelo Castillo Kickbusch is all too familiar with the challenges of poverty, discrimination and illiteracy. Although she grew up without material wealth, Consuelo was taught by her immigrant parents that she was rich in culture, tradition, values and faith.
Consuelo Castillo Kickbusch currently shares her story with people of all ages and creeds. Her strong dedication to saving the youth of America (including those living under similar circumstances as she did during her childhood) has led Consuelo to work with over one million children and their parents across the United States.
Outstanding Friend of the League Award