Ruben Alejandro Presenting the Outstand Friend of Education award to the Rev Charles Foster Johnson
The HML Officers, Directors and Freinds at the 2020 Annual Meeting
(left to right) Jack McKay, Ruben Alejandro, Lisa Parady, Virginia Cardenas, Eric King, Laurie Barron, Rev. Charles Foster Johnson, Peter Smagornisky, james Harvey and Spike Jorgensen.

David Berliner presenting the Outstanding Public Educator award to Peter Smagornisky.

Business Meeting Actions:
HML Business Meeting
Ambassador Awardees
Brent Clark
Lisa Parady
Kevin Riley
Nomination of Officers and Directors
Reappointments: Martin Brooks, Ruben Alejandro, Talisa Dixon, and Brent Clark
New Director: Beth Houf
President – Lisa Parady
President-elect – James Harvey
Vice President – Ruben Alejandra
Past President – Laurie Barron