Highlights of the 2015 Annual Meeting
San Diego Marriott Marquis Marina and Hotel
February 27, 2015, 80
Election of Officers for 2015
President: Dr. Charles Fowler (NH)
President-Elect: Dr. Christine Johns-Haines (MI)
Vice President: Dr. Martha Bruckner (IA)
Past President:Mr. Gary Marx (VA)
New Director: Mr. Jeff Charbonneau (WA)
Outstanding Public Educator – Dr. Gene Carter, ASCD Executive Director Emeritus
Dr. Gene Carter and Mr. Gary Marx
Outstanding Friend of Public Education – Dr. Pedro Noguera, Professor – Author, New York University
Outstanding Friend of the Horace Mann League – Dr. Mark Edwards, Past President of the Horace Mann League
Dr. Steve Webb presents plaque to Dr. Mark Edwards
2015 League Ambassadors
Sara Boucek (IL), Laurie Barron (MT), Christine Johns-Haines (MI), Gary Marx (VA), Evelyn Holman (NY), James Harvey (WA), Steve Webb (WA) and Martha Bruckner (IA)
Corporate Partners
Advanced Path Academics
Reggie Underwood and Tom Dehganic
Follett School Services
Joe Hairston presents plaque to Todd Litzsinger
Discovery Education
Joe Hairston and Andy Scheafer
Other Photos
Pedro Noguera, Gene Carter and Mark Edwards
Washington State Delegation: Tom Seigel (Bethel SD), Jack McKay (HML), Frank Hewins (Franklin Pierce SD), Steve Rasmussen (former Supt. of Issaquah SD) and Steve Webb (Vancouver SD).
Pedro Noguera (New York University) and Carol Choye (former Supt. of Scotch Plains SD, NJ)
Dr. Louis Wildman, Professor CSU Bakersfield and Dr. Mark Edwards, Supt. of the Mooresville Graded School District, NC
Pedro Noguera, New York University; Laurie Barron, Supt. of the Evergreen SD (Kalispell, MT); and Gene Carter, Emeritus Executive Director of ASCD.