The International Index. James Harvey reviewed the International Index of Public EducationSpecial Friend of the League Award to Jeffery Charbonneau, National Teacher of the Year. Presented by Joe Hairston, President of the HMLGary Marx, Steven Ladd, James Harvey, Laurie Barron, Steven Webb, Joe Hairston, Evelyn Holman and Stan Olson. Also present: Mark Edwards, Spike Jorgensen and Jack Mckay
2014 Ambassador Awardees: Sara Boucek, Joe Hairston and Charles Fowler. Not in photo: Brent Clark and Christine Johns-HainesStan Olson – The Invocation2014 Friend of the League Award: Julie Underwood with Spike Jorgensen and Joe HairstonOutstanding Public Educator Award: Dr. Larry Cuban, Professor Emeritus at Stanford University
Outstanding Friend of Public Education Award: Marion Wright Edelman of the Children’s Defense Fund. Presented by Joe Hairston and Gary Marx (Presentation on video)
Marian Wright Edelman, Outstanding Friend of Public Education.
Laurie Barron, 2013 Middle School Principal of the Year and Jeff Charbonneau, 2013 National Teacher of the YearWashington State Delegation: Frank Hewins (Franklin-Pierce), Jeff Charbonneau (National Teacher of the Year, Zillah), Steven Webb (Vancouver), Mack Armstrong (WASA) and Tom Seigel (Bethel)Idaho Delegation: Stan Olson, Linda Clark and Bruce Gestrin (Meridan SD)Mark Edwards and Julie Underwood, Past Presidents of the HML
Sixty-eight members and guests attended the 20-14 Annual Meeting.
HML Annual Meeting Revised Primary Lead and Backup Person
11:30 Welcome and Reception Line——– Board Members
11:50 Welcome——————————— Joe Hairston (2 min)
11:52 Officers and Directors —————- Joe Hairston (4 min)*
11:56 Introduction of Past Presidents—– Mark Edwards (1 min)*
11:57 Corporate Partners——————– Mark Edwards (8 min)*
12:05 Invocation and Luncheon———— Stan Olson (2 min)
12:07 Lunch served (13 min)
12:20 Nomination and Election ———— Stan Olson (5 min)*
12:25 An International Index on Education James Harvey (15-20 min)