2011 Winter Bd. Mtg. – Denver

The Horace Mann League

Winter Meeting Minutes

February 17, 2011, 3 to 5 pm
Denver Hyatt Regency Hotel and Convention Center


Meeting called to order at 3:00 pm.  Presiding: George Garcia, President


George Garcia, Julie Underwood, Mark Edwards, Steve Rasmussen, Evelyn Holman, Martha Bruckner, Carol Choye, Charles Fowler, Joe Hairston, James Harvey, Eric King, Gary Marx, Doug Otto, Spike Jorgenson, Fred Hartmeister and Jack McKay.


Moved by Eric King, seconded by Steve Rasmussen to approve the minutes of the June 26, 2010, Chicago, Strategic Planning Summary, and the June 27, 2010, Chicago, Summer Board Meeting, Attachment.



Old Business

1. Progress Report on Strategic Planning

Retain and recruit new members

Progress report

(George Garcia, Eric King, Joe Hairston, Mark Edwards, Gary Marx,

a)    Officers and Directors sending in approximately 20 names for nomination

b)   Ambassador Awardees: Art Stellar, Gary Marx, James Harvey, Carol Choye, Mark Edwards, Brent Clark, George Garcia

  • Setting up tiered payment scale.
  • Need for the personal such as a follow-up phone call and note.    Have notice to nominate other members.
  • Alerting all members to nominate five members.
  • Looking for younger members to be members at public school and university level. (targeted, specific, regional meetings for development)
  • Hold meeting of potential members at other association meetings.
  • The model of development and connectivity is changing.  Now it is engagement at the regional level.

Index of Quality

(Julie Underwood, Steve Rasmussen, Charles Fowler and Gary Marx)

c)    Strategic Plan – Identify indicators of quality schools

d)   Progress report on defining the “Indicators of Progress” of a school or district.

  • Public education index for example.
  • Creating a public education index. UofWI grad student, $12,000 needed. Possibilities of working with Gallup, PDK.
    Basic framework of the index. For example indicators of progress and challenges, progress relative to the purpose of public education, e.g., citizenship, employability, creativity, personalize, individual student strengthens.
  • Challenges would mean society and impact on schooling and dealing with remedies.  “What are we going to do about the issue?”
  • Social indicators, e.g., poverty, health, social indicators as they impact the education of children.  For the HML, having a platform to highlight these issues – issues facing the education of children.
  • Defining the purpose of education, where are we know as reflecting on the ideals of Horace Mann. Defining the purpose of public education. Health care, family stability, living in poverty, proportion going to public education. Measure our ability to follow through on these ideas.
  • Joining forces with other education associations.  Learning First Alliance should be contacted.
  • Can we hook with other organizations to share our ideas of how to express the positive outcomes of public education.
  • Can we present information about public education in a way to present the good and the not so good.
  • Not necessarily the reaction to what other (the media) are saying about education.  International assessment PISA.
  • HML connect with other associations to create the index concept.


Building Coalitions

(Nancy DeFord, Stan Olson, Joe Hairston and Jack McKay)

Progress report on Creating coalitions with other organizations

a)     Creating the letter to be sent to potential coalition members

b)    Identifying potential coalition members

c)     Letter of invitation sent to ASCD and PDK

  • Coming together to deal with public education.
  • The purpose of public education and the relationship to the ideals of Horace Mann.
  • Tom Sobol and “Public Schools of Tomorrow.”
  • Follow up with Carol Choye on “Public Schools of Tomorrow.”
  • Conference call email of Gary, Julie, Chuck, Steve, and Joe.

2. Change of Dues Structure Update

Dues Structure

At the June Board meeting, approval was given to revise the dues structure.  Three classifications were created:

Full Membership       $75.00 (75% of the membership)

Retirees                      $50.00 (20% of the membership)

Graduate Students    $25.00 (5% of the membership)

An option to donate to the League was also crated. ($275.00)


Lifetime Members  (Paid $500 for “Lifetime” status.)

Spike Jorgensen

Michael DeVault

John Monahan

George Garcia

Frank Barham

Carroll Johnson


Past Presidents are also Lifetime members.


3. Budget Report 2010

2010 Income


The revenues for 2010:


 Proposed 2010


Percent YTD



 Beginning Balance








 Book Sales




 Annual Mtg.








 Corp. Partners








 Columbia Bank (Seattle/PL)


As of 12/31/10

CD US Bank


As of 7/2010

 Total assets







2010 Expenditures


Budget Area

 Budget 2010















  Executive Director 




  Annual Mtg. 




  Sum. Bd. Mtg.




  Books (Art of Teaching) 





























Proposed Budget for 2011





 Proposed 2010


Proposed 2011



 Beginning Balance








 Book Sales




 Annual Mtg.








 Corp. Partners










Proposed 2011 Expenditures


Budget Area

 Budget 2010

2010 Actual

 Proposed 2011













  Executive Director 




  Annual Mtg. 




  Sum. Bd. Mtg.



  Books (Art of Teach) 


























Tentative Motion:


Motion by Steve Rasmussen_, seconded by Charles Fowler, to approve the proposed 2011 revenue and expenditure budget.

4. Corporate Partnerships


Apple Computer Inc. (Apple Computer, Inc.) is an American multinational corporation that designs and markets consumer electronicscomputer software, and personal computers.)


(additional funding to be used to offset purchase the “Art of Teaching.”



Discovery Education (At the Discovery Channel, we engage students through dynamic curricular resources like Discovery Education streamingPlus and Discovery Education Science, support teachers through customized professional development and assessment services, and ultimately improve student achievement.)


Pearson Publishing (Pearson is an international media company with world-leading businesses in education, business information and consumer publishing.)





(Created by teachers, for teachers, Promethean Planet is a unique teaching, sharing and support community—your place to connect, create, and change the classroom !)






Our award-winning, patented solutions include Response to Intervention (RTI) and IEP software serving 11% of the U.S. K-12 population, including 20 of the top 100 districts.




We’re excited to help influence positive change in education for K-12 districts, virtual schools, and states around the globe. Our solutions are transforming the education experience for millions of students every day. Our technologies expand opportunities, encourage greater collaboration, and create personalized, engaging experiences for students, teachers, parents, and administrators.


Suggested that future corporate sponsors consider the purchase of “The Art of Teaching for new members.



5. Protecting Public Schools in an Era of Privatization

Panelist are:


James Harvey    Evelyn Holman    Martha Bruckner   Gary Marx


Following up on an interesting in increasing visibility in other professional association meeting, an “Application for Presentation” was submitted to ASCD for consideration by the team of


The Horace Mann League proposal to ASCD (ID 5684, “Protecting Public Schools in an Era of Privatization”) has been accepted for the Spring 2011 meeting. The conference will be held at the Moscone Conference Center in San Francisco, March 26-28.  I’m attaching a copy of the proposal so that you can see it again.  I’m also attaching a copy of the contract I signed and returned.


The relevant details are:




TITLE: Protecting Public Schools in an Era of Privatization

DATE: Saturday, March 26, 2011

TIME:  3:30 pm to 5:00 pm


Possible presentation at AASA in 2012.

Making a presentation lineup.


Consideration of a similar presentation at 2012 AASA conference.  Send invitation to the HML Board about interest in being on the panel.











6. HML Publications


Spring                                     Fall                        Winter                      Late Winter


7.  Sale of Books

Books given to new members                                  = 59

Books sold to school districts:

Baltimore County Schools                                        = 900

Plano ISD                                                                   = 450

Issaquah School District                                           = 100

Book Inventory                                                          = 23


Total book expense                                                $11,194.71

Total book revenues                                              $10,887.85


8. HML Display Activities




Superintendent’s Round Table Meeting in Alexandria, VA,   July 2010

Carol Choye, Bank Street College and HML Director; James Harvey, Executive Director of the Supt’s Roundtable and HML Director; Vern Cunningham, former dean of the College of Education, The Ohio State University and HML member; Nelda Cambron-McCabe, Chair, Educational Leadership Department, Miami University, Ohio and HML member; and Brent Johnson,  Assistant Director of the Roundtable.




9. Review Pending Supreme Court Cases

College Standard Magazine v. Student Ass’n of the State Univ. of NY at Albany 12/20/10 Schools: student activity fees – nominal damages – mootness Filed
Schain v. Schmidt 12/17/10 Schools: student activity fees – viewpoint neutrality – notice and refund procedures Filed
Walsh v. Badger Catholic Inc. 11/30/10 Schools: state university student activity fees – funds for student religious group Filed
Mumid v. Abraham Lincoln High School 11/22/10 Schools: EEOA – disrimination based on national origin – intent – damages Filed
McCreary County, Ky. v. ACLU-KY 10/27/10 Constitutional Law: Establishment Clause – courthouse display of Ten Commandments Filed
Connecticut v. Duncan 10/8/10 Schools: NCLB – unfunded mandate claims – ripeness Filed
R.H. v. Plano Indep. Sch. Dist. 9/21/10 Schools: IDEA – mainstreaming analysis – denial of tuition reimbursement Filed
Alford v. Greene 6/1/10 Local Government: immunity for deputy sheriff – interview of suspected sexual abuse victim Filed
Arizona Christian Sch. Tuition Org. v. Winn 2/18/10 Taxation: state tax credits for contribution to nonprofit organization that award private school scholarships – standing Argued 11/3/10
Garriott v. Winn  2/18/10 Taxation: state tax credits for contribution to nonprofit organization that award private school scholarships – Argued 11/3/10
VA Office for Protection Advocacy v. Reinhard 10/28/09 States: immunity – state agency’s action against state officials for injunctive relief Argued 12/1/10
Staub v. Proctor Hospital 7/23/09 Labor; discharge of Army reservist – cat’s paw theory of liability Argued 11/2/10


10. HML Blog

Created in November 2010, there are 22 selected articles and references.

▼  November (3)


▼  December (7)


▼  January (12)





New Business

11.  2011 Summer Board Meeting

The “summer” board meeting has become, over the last fifteen years, an integral part of the growth and strength of the Horace Mann League.  During the past four years, it has been convenient to hold the two-day meeting on the last weekend in June.  The meeting usually started at noon on Saturday and adjourned by noon on Sunday.  Because of expenses related to travel, the meetings have recently been held in Chicago.  Another convenient location is Alexandria, VA, due to the number of board members on the east coast.


While the summer meeting is beneficial, there are costs involved.  Generally, the meeting costs are between $4,000 and $5,000 or about 10% of the budget, depending on the number of board members attending.


Tentative dates:  Saturday – Sunday, June 25-26, 2011

Location: Chicago or Alexandria, VA


Chicago: Central location, convenience to airport hotel


Alexandria: East coast location, ASCD/AASA headquarters,


Possible Agenda items for a summer board meeting:

  1. Program on strategic plan projects
  2. Revision of the strategic plans for 2011
  3. Update on corporate partners
  4. Update on newsletters, blog, and web-site and other communication services
  5. Nominations for awards
  6. Nominations for directors and officers
  7. Update on book and print sales
  8. Update on membership and recruitment
  9. Planning the 2012 Annual Meeting agenda


Motion and second to have the summer board meeting at either Chicago or Alexandria, depending on ASCD and PDK representation, during Friday and Saturday, June 17 and 18, 2011.  Passed.


12. Bank Signature Authorization

A recommendation from the 2010 audit of the HML account was to have a second signature for checks made to the Executive Director for payment of services.

It is recommended by the bank manager of Columbia Bank/Port Ludlow office, that in order to have a second signature, it is necessary to have a motion by board of directors indicating the specific person authorized to co-sign checks made to the Executive Director.  The person authorized by the board must sign cards, in person, at a branch of the Columbia Bank (Issaquah, WA).  Therefore, it is suggested that Steve Rasmussen, Superintendent of the Issaquah School District and Past President of the Horace Mann League, be authorized by the Board of Directors to co-sign checks made to Jack McKay, Executive Director of the Horace Mann League.


Tentative motion:


Motion by James Harvey, seconded by Fred Hartmeister, to authorize Steve Rasmussen, Past President of the Horace Mann League, to co-sign checks for payment of services provided by Jack McKay, Executive Director of the Horace Mann League.



. Meeting adjourned at 5:15 pm

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