The Horace Mann League Board of Directors’ Meeting
February 15, 2008, Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel.
Meeting called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Colleen Wilcox, President.
Present: Colleen Wilcox, Fred Hartmeister, Steve Rasmussen, James Anderson, Richard Christi, Carol Choye, Mark Edwards, George Garcia, Joe Hairston, Eric King, Gary Marx, Susan Purser, Julie Underwood, Spike Jorgensen, Charles Fowler, and Claire Sheff Kohn
Approval of Board meeting minutes of the June 25-26, 2007. Motion by Julie Underwood, seconded by Carol Choye. Passed.
Old Business
1. Update on publication of book.
Motion to have Julie Underwood negotiate a contract with a publisher (e.g., Jossey-Bass) with any profits directed to the HML for a later decision about distribution. Made by Mark Edwards, seconded by George Garica.
1. 2. Update on Horace Mann displays.
Officers and directors, as well as, members were encouraged to schedule the shipping of the display(s) to their district.
3. Update on new Horace Mann print
Discussed promotion and distribution of the prints. Agreed that Spike Jorgenson would auction off the two framed prints at the annual meeting and prints would be on sale at a discount.
3. 3. Update on “Art of Teaching” sales
Discussed marketing strategies for increased sales of “The Art of Teaching.”
4. 4. Update on Legal Issues
Reviewed educational related legal issues.
5. 5. Update on proposed “legal committee.
Agreed to propose to the membership at the annual luncheon to approval the “Standing Committee” on Legal Issues. Initial committee members are Hartmeister, Underwood, Garicia, Hewins, and Lynn.
6. Update on membership
Reviewed membership count and trends.
Motion to have each officer and director nominate a minimum of 20 new members by June 1, 2008. Motion by Mark Edwards, seconded by Susan Purser. Passed
7. Update on the Budget
Reviewed highlights and trends of the 2007 revenues and expenditures.
8. Update on Corporate partnerships
Reviewed potential corporate partners.
Mark Edwards reported that Pearson/Harcourt and Spectrum will be corporate partners during the 2008 year. An invoice will also be sent to Apple Computers, Inc.
Hartmeister, Edwards, and Marx will develop “talking points” about the benefits for being a corporate partner with the Horace Mann League. Report to be presented at the summer board meeting.
New Business:
1. Survey of members
Motion to conduct a survey of members prior to the summer board meeting. Made by Rasmussen and seconded by Garcia.
Appointed to be involved in the survey development and analysis are Steve Rasmussen, Fred Hartmeister, George Garica, Claire Sheff Kohn, and Gary Marx.
2. Establishment of Finance & Treasury Committee
Discussed purpose of forming the “Finance and Treasury Committee with the committee being the Vice President, President-elect, and the Executive Director” Agreed to present this by-law change at the HML annual meeting. Motion made by Susan Purser, seconded by Julie Underwood.
3. Compensation for Executive Director
Reviewed the compensation for the Executive Director.
4. 4. Proposed Budget: Revenues and Expenditures for 2008
Reviewed the proposed budget (revenues and expenditures) for the 2008 calendar year. Included in the budget was increasing the Executive Director’s annual compensation. Motion by Mark Edwards, seconded by Julie Underwood. Passed.
5. Consideration of membership dues increase.
Reviewed the dues structure of the League.
Proposed that the annual dues be increased from $55 to $65.00 starting March 2008. Motion by James Anderson, seconded by Susan Purser. Passed.
6. Summer Board Meeting
Reviewed the need to have a summer meeting of the Officers and Directors.
Proposed that the summer meeting be in the Chicago area on June 22-23, 2008. Approved.
Consideration of a session strategic planning.
Agreed that those not attending should participate via a conference call arrangement.
Arrangements to be made about teleconferencing with members unable to attend.
7. Review of Annual Meeting Agenda
Reviewed timeline and logistics for the Annual Meeting on Saturday, February 16, 2008.
Meeting Adjourned at 5:15 p.m., Friday, February 15, 2008
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