Board Meeting, February 24, 2006, San Diego Marriott Hotel, 3:10 p.m.
Walt Warfield presiding (John Simpson was unable to attend).
1. Roll Call:
Board members present:
Walt Warfield, Exec. Dir., IASA., Springfield, IL
Vice President: Colleen Wilcox, Santa Clara Co. Supt. of Schools, San Jose, CA
Past President: Spike Jorgensen, Alaska Educational Consultant, Tok, AK
Jim Anderson, Supt., Los Alamos Public Schools, NM
Richard Christie, Supt. Council Bluffs Community Schools, IA
George Garcia, Supt. Boulder Valley Public Schools, CO
Mark Edwards, Dean of COE, University of Northern Alabama, Florence, AL
Fred Hartmeister, Assoc. Dean of Grad. School, Texas Tech. University, Lubbock, TX
Barry Lynn, Exec. Dir. Americans United, Washington, DC
Gary Marx, Pres. Center for Public Outreach, Vienna, VA
Susan Purser, Supt. Moore County Schools, Carthage, NC
Steve Rasmussen, Supt. Franklin-Pierce School District, Tacoma, WA
Jerry Sellentin, Exec. Dir. Nebraska Council of School Administrators, Lincoln, NE
Jack McKay, Executive Director
Past Presidents:
Art Stellar
Jane Hammond, CA
Nominated Directors:
Julie Underwood
Linda Darling-Hammond
2. Approval of Minutes
a. Motion by Sellentin, seconded by Rasmussen, to approve the Summer Board Meeting minutes of June 26-27, 2005, passed.
4. Old Business
a. Legal Issues Update – A listing of major court cases was reviewed by Fred Hartmeister. Barry Lynn reviewed major cases recently decided and those pending in courts.
b. Report on Membership – A brief report by Jack McKay. As of February 1, there are 960 members listed in the data base. Members who have not paid since 2003 are purged.
Agreed to award those who sponsor five new individuals for membership with a print of Horace Mann. Those who sponsor ten new members receive the “Ambassador” award.
c. Report on Finances – Jack McKay reported that the beginning cash balance on January 1, 2006, was $19,548.00. Discussion followed on the cost of the luncheon meeting. Moved by Edwards, seconded by Purser, that the cost of the luncheon be adjusted to reflect the going rate for lunches at AASA convention sites.
d. Traveling Display Update – Colleen Wilcox and Jack McKay presented background on the display and the different quotes considered. The Board discussed guidelines for loaning the display. Priority will be to loan the display to board members and then draw up guidelines for membership use at the June meeting.
e. AASA Presentation Panel – Barry Lynn reviewed the topic and presentation sequence for Saturday, February 25, at 10:30 a.m. at AASA.
f. Collaboration with AASA – Jack McKay reported that the first collaborative activity will be the presentation of the “Outstanding Friend of Public Education” award to Jonathan Kozol at the AASA Distinguished Lecture on Saturday, February 25, at 1:00 p.m. Future consideration is the sponsorship of a distinguished lecturer.
g. Book “Funding Adequacy” Publishing Update – Spike Jorgensen reported that the book is almost ready for publication. There was discussion about the possible publishers.
h. Audit of Horace Mann League financial procedures – Steve Rasmussen reported that a informal audit was conducted by Ted Kilcup, Executive Director of Finances for the Franklin-Pierce School District. Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by Edwards to accept the audit.
5. Annual Meeting, February 25, 2006 — Walt Warfield reviewed the arrangements and logistics for the Annual Meeting
6. Summer Board meeting, June 26-27, 2006, Chicago Omni Chicago Hotel, 676 N. Michigan Ave. 312 944 6664
Those planning to attend: Walt Warfield, Colleen Wilcox, Fred Hartmeister, Jim Anderson, George Garcia, Mark Edwards, Barry Lynn, Gary Marx, Steve Rasmussen, Jerry Sellentin, Julie Underwood, Spike Jorgensen, Art Stellar, and Jack McKay
Tentative agenda for the Summer Board Meeting
- Report on grant writing
- Report on mission – vision
- Report on book publication
- Report on utilization and guidelines for the Horace Mann display
- Report on corporate partners
- Report on recruitment activities and incentives
- Report on legal activities and cases pending
- Report on budget and membership
- Nominations for directors and vice president
- Nominations for awards
- Outstanding Friend of Public Education
- Outstanding Public Educator
- Outstanding Friend of the Horace Mann League
Meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.
To do:
1. Media release for the Horace Mann display to send along with the display.
2. Develop list of past considerations for awards.
3. Develop list of past considerations for directors.
Submitted by Jack McKay, Executive Director, February 27, 2006.
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