Horace Mann League
Minutes for June 27, 2004
Boulder, CO
Meeting called to order at 8:00 a.m.
1. Fourteen officers and directors in attendance (Jorgensen, Simpson, Warfield, Dlugosh, Anderson, Garcia, Hartmeister, Moore, Rasmussen, Sellentin, Wilcox, Hammond, Stellar, McKay)
2. Discussion on relations with foundations and corporations. Guidelines to be reviewed for adoption at the 2005 winter board meeting. (Stellar and McKay)
- Agreement on the following the report of the Foundations Committee
- Identify and establish a base group of15 foundations or corporations that support public education (Jane Hammond, Terry Grier, Art Stellar, Walt Warfield, Jerry Sellentin, and Ken Bird)
- Sponsor a “distinguished lecturer” at AASA (Houston and McKay
- Create a “traveling display” on the history of public education (Jane Hammond, Colleen Wilcox and Jack McKay)
3. Related to the Strategic Plan
- Continue recognition of “long-time” members (McKay)
- Continue distribution of the “Art of Teaching” to new members (McKay)
- Continue the involvement of members in surveys (Warfield ,Sellentin, McKay)
- Continue involvement with NASB on court briefs (Hartmeister)
- Recognize “life-time” members in future publications (McKay)
- Proceed with printing of the second Horace Mann print (McKay)
- Prodceed with printing and distribution of the book, “Strategies for School Improvement” (Dlugosh and McKay)
- Consider the publication of a new book (Larry Dlugosh, Colleen Wilcox, John Monahan, and Fred Hartmeister)
- Create a monograph on a current issue e.g. charter schools, voucher plans, home schooling, church-state issues, non-traditional schooling alternatives (Colleen Wilcox, Steve Rasmussen, Jane Hammond, Larry Dlugosh and Jack McKay)
4. Continue recruitment strategies, e.g., assignment of states, list of names sent to McKay, follow-up with members who do not renew membership (McKay)
5. Reviewed the revenues and expenditures of the HML (McKay)
6. Approved the “retiree” membership. Must have been a member for five years prior to retirement. Retirement classification can be obtain with a continue “regular” membership for five years after retirement or one payment of $250.
7. Approved supporting the Education Law Association in the production of a PBS documentary on “Beyond the Brown Decision” of $1000. (McKay and Hartmeister)
8. Nominations Committee report to be given at the Annual meeting
- Recommended reappointment of George Garcia and Douglas Otto as Directors
- Recommended Colleen Wilcox as Vice President
- New director candidates were listed and will be contacted (McKay)
9. Awards for the Annual Meeting (McKay)
- Friend of Education
- Public Educator
- Friend of the HML
- Ambassador Award
10. Winter Meeting in San Antonio (McKay)
- Working breakfast in place of reception (Hosted by Advanced Academics)
- Winter meeting, Friday, February 18th, 7:00 to 9:00 a.m.
- Annual meeting, Saturday, February 19th, 11:45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
11. Summer Board Meetings (McKay)
- 2005, Cincinnati, Ohio, June 25-25, following the Large City Supts mtg.
- 2006, Chicago, Il, June 24-25
12. Meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m.Sunday, June 27, 2004
Assignments by name:
Ken Bird –
- Foundations Committee member
Larry Dlugosh
- Editing, printing and distribution of book
- Create a brochure/monograph on a hot issue
- Publication of a new book
Jane Hammond –
- Traveling display
- Foundations Committee
- Friend of Public Education Award
- Create a brochure/monograph on a hot issue
Terry Grier –
- Foundations Committee
Fred Hartmeister
- NSBA connection for law
- Creation of a new book
- PBS legal production
Paul Houston
- Distinguished Lecture HML
Jerry Sellentin
- Foundations Committee member
- Create a survey of the membership
Steve Rasmussen
- Create a brochure on a hot issue
Art Stellar –
- Edit bylaw on HML relations
- Foundations Committee member
Walt Warfield
- Foundations Committee member
- Create a survey of the membership
- Arrangement for 2005 Summer Board mtg.
Colleen Wilcox
- Travel Display
- Creation of a new book for the membership
- Create a brochure/monograph on a hot issue
Jack McKay
- Traveling display
- Proofing and printing of new Horace Mann print
- Winter Board meeting (breakfast meeting)
- Annual meeting and awards
- Recognition of “long-time” members
- Contact new director
- Contact award recipients (Friend of Public Education, Public Education, and Friend of HML
- Create monograph on hot issue
- Follow-up nominations letter on behalf of officers and directors
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