The Horace Mann League
80th Annual Meeting and Luncheon – February 22, 2003
Hilton Riverside Hotel – New Orleans
11:45 am to 1:30 p.m., Versailles Ballroom
Summary of Meeting.
Meeting chaired by Art Stellar.
- Welcome and Introduction of Officers and Directors by Colleen Wilcox
- Introductions of Past Presidents-Art Stellar
- Introductions of 15 years members-Art Stellar
- Memorial – (Dr. Pat Hoban)-Steve Rasmussen
- Invocation-John Simpson
- Call to Order-Art Stellar
- Report on Legal Issues-Fred Hartmeister
- Report on HML Book on Ideas that Work – Larry Dlugosh
- Presentation of Awards:-Art Stellar
- Ambassador Awards – Mark Edwards
- Walt Warfield, Art Stellar, George Garcia, Spike Jorgensen,Jane Hammond, Susan Purser, and Colleen Wilcox
- Service on the Board of Directors – Art Stellar
- Stuart Thompson
- Friend of the Horace Mann League-Doug Otto
- Ken Bird
- Outstanding Friend of Public Education – Larry Dlugosh
- Christine DeVita, DeWitt Wallace Reader’s Digest Fund
- Outstanding Educator Award – Art Stellar
- Ted Sanders, President, Education Commission of the States
- Nomination and Election of Directors and Officers-Ben Canada
- Reappointment as a Directors
Walt Warfield, Colleen Wilcox, Steve Rasmussen, and Fred Hartmeister - New Director appointments
James Anderson (NM), Vern Moore (MO), Richard Christie (IA)
Vice President, John Simpson
President – elect, Spike Jorgensen
President – Larry Dlugosh
- Reappointment as a Directors
- Motion made to accept the slate and elect the nominated. Motion seconded. Question called. Motion passed
- Passing of Gavel and Award Art Stellar & Larry Dlugosh
Meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m.
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