The Horace Mann League
Annual Meeting – San Diego Marriott Hotel and Marina
Saturday, February 16, 2002
(125 estimated attendance)
Welcome and Introduction of Officers and Directors by Jack McKay
Introductions of Past Presidents Ben Canada: Ken Bird and Cleveland Hammonds
Invocation: Ben Canada
Call to Order – Ben Canada
Report on Legal Issues: (-Fred Hartmeister (Zelman v. Simmons-Harris)
Presentation of Awards: -Ben Canada
Service on the Board of Directors of the Horace Mann League –
Presented by Larry Dlugosh
Dr. David Berliner, Phoenix, AZ
Dr. Paul Houston, Arlington, VA
Ambassador Awards – Art Stellar and Walt Warfield
Presented by Colleen Wilcox
Friend of the Horace Mann League Award – Chad Woolery, Former President, HOSTS Corporation, Dallas, TX, Introduced by Ken Bird
Outstanding Friend of Public Education – Mr. Richard Rothstien, Education columnist for The New York Times, Washington Bureau. Introduced by John Simpson
Outstanding Educator Award – Dr. Gerald Bracey – Researcher and author of The War Against Public Schools: Privatizing Schools, Commercializing Education, Introduced by Art Stellar
Nomination and Election of Directors and Officers: Reported by Ken Bird, Past President
Director for reappointment
John Simpson, VA
New appointments:
Cryss Brunner, WI
George Garcia, CO
Susan Purser, MS
Vice President
Spike Jorgensen, AK
President – elect
Larry Dlugosh, NE
Art Stellar, MI
Motion made and seconded. Passed
Passing of Gavel and Award
Art Stellar, Presented by Ben Canada
Meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m.
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