Highlights of the Annual Meeting, February 17, 2001, Orlando
The 78th Annual Meeting of the Horace Mann League was held on Saturday, February 17, 2001, in conjunction with the annual conference of the American Association of School Administrators in Orlando.
One hundred ninety members and guests attended the luncheon at the Peabody Hotel. The meeting was presided by Dr. Ken Bird, President of the League.
Dr. John Simpson of the Norfolk Public Schools gave the invocation.
Dr. Spike Jorgensen of Tok, Alaska, introduced members present who had 15 or more years of membership in the League.
Dr. Mark Edwards of Henrico Co. Schools of Virginia presented the Horace Mann print to the audience.
Dr. Larry Dlugosh of the University of Nebraska at Lincoln presented the Ambassador Awards.
Dr. Fred Hartmeister of the Texas Tech. University gave a report on legal issues involving church-state matters.
Dr. Ken Bird introduced Past Presidents that were in attendance and conducted the election of new officers and directors.
Dr. Ken Bird presented the “Outstanding Friend of Education” Award to The Limited. Inc. of Columbus, Ohio.
Dr. Colleen Wilcox of the Santa Clara County Office of Education presented the “Outstanding Educator Award” to Dr. Paul Houston, Executive Director of AASA.
Dr. Jane Hammond of the Jefferson County Public Schools of Colorado and Past President of the League presided over the “Passing of the Gavel” to Dr. Ben Canada.
Dr. Chad Wollery, President HOSTS Corporation of Dallas, Texas, and long-time member of the Horace Mann League, assisted with a contribution to offset the cost of the luncheon and meeting.
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