The Horace Mann League of the USA
Summer 2000 Board Meeting Minutes
Omaha, NE June 30-July 1, 2000
Meeting called to order at 1:30 pm, Friday, June 30, 2000, by President, Ken Bird
Roll Call:
Fred Hartmeister, Steve Rasmussen, John Simpson, Larry Dlugosh, Colleen Wilcox, Stuart Thompson, Spike Jorgensen, Douglas Otto, Walt Warfield, Ken Bird, and Jack McKay
Approval of Minutes of March 3 (Board Meeting) Thompson and Jorgensen.
Approval of Minutes of March 4 (Annual Meeting) Thompson and Jorgensen.
Moved to send a letter of appreciation to Dr. Don Thomas for his contribution to the Horace Mann League’s, soon to be approved, HML Foundation, Otto and Dlugosh.
Update on Strategic Plan
1. Recognition of “15 Year Members” of the Hoarce Mann League.
Award Certificates for 15 years of membership
Acknowledgment of 10 year members at the Annual Meeting.
Facilitator: Jack McKay
2. Sales and Gifts of the The Art of Teaching
Distributed to new and renewing members
Send letter suggesting book as gift or as token of appreciation
Facilitator: Jack McKay
3. US Postage Stamp Project
Draft letter promotion stamp for Board members
Suggestion to members to use Horace Mann image on district stamp machine
Facilitator: Jack McKay
4. Publishing newsletter and directory publications
Newsletters, three per year
Directory, once per year
Edit one book by February 2001
Facilitator: Jack McKay
5. Facilitate development and marketing of a poster for framing of Horace Mann for sale to members, school districts, and other organizations supportive of public education.
Facilitators: Colleen Wilcox, Walt Warfield, and Ken Bird
6. Survey of membership of the “Destructive Factors Impacting Public Education.”
Facilitator: Jack McKay
7. Publish a book relating to “the assisting of school leaders in the strengthening of public education” for distribution in February 2002.
Facilitators: Steve Rasmussen, Fred Hartmeister, Larry Dlugosh, and Jack McKay.
Progress report on February 17, at Board Meeting.
Additional Items
8. Dues of the Horace Mann League
Moved and approved (Jorgensen and Warfield) to increase the Horace Mann League dues from $25 to $40 and increase every three years by $5.00, effective in August 2000. Increase in expenditures for volume of postage, printing, supplies, and executive directors stipend.
8. Fund Raising Activity
Moved and approved (Dlugosh and Otto) to establish a sub-committee to draft guidelines, purposes, and parameters for fund raising activities. The HML Fund Raising Committee is Douglas Otto, Larry Dlugosh, and Steve Rasmussen. Progress report will be given at the February 17, 2001 Board meeting.
9. Formation of the Horace Mann League Foundation
Moved and approved (Rasmussen and Wilcox) to establish the HML Foundation. Purpose of the HML Foundation is to solicit donations for publications, scholarships, awards, research, and other activities promoting the ideals of Horace Mann and the strengthening of public education. Progress report will be given at the February 17, 2001 Board meeting.
10. Monitoring Legal Issues
Accepted report of Fred Hartmeister and Spike Jorgensen on recent Circuit Court and US Supreme Court decisions. Amicus Curiae for Chandler v. James (prayer before school events) and Simmons-Harris v. Zelman (Cleveland voucher plan).
11. Nominations Committee Report
Moved and approved (Otto and Wilcox) the reappointment of Spike Jorgensen, Larry Dlugosh, and Mark Edwards to the Board of Directors. Terms 2001 to 2004.
Moved and approved (Otto and Wilcox) to nominate Larry Dlugosh as Vice President, term 2001 to 2002.
Moved and approved (Otto and Wilcox) the nominations for new Directors, pending notification and acceptance. John Simpson will confirm. Jack McKay will follow with letter.
Approved a list of four possible candidates for the “Outstanding Friend of Education” award.
Approved a list of four possible candidates for the “Outstanding Educator” Award.
12. Next Board Meeting and Annual Membership Meeting
Board Meeting, Friday, February 16, 2001, 3:00 to 6:00 p.m., Orlando
Annual Meeting, Saturday, February 17, 2001, noon to 1:30 p.m., Orlando
13. Summer Board Meeting
Board Meeting, Friday and Saturday, June 29-30, 2001, Portland, OR, hosted by Ben Canada.
14. Presentation panel at AASA
“Thirteen Reasons Why Vouchers Won’t Work” by David Berliner
Panelists: Ken Bird, Douglas Otto, John Simpson, Colleen Wilcox, and Jane Hammond
15. Membership Recruiting by States: Send names and addresses of those nominated to Jack McKay. Jack will in turn send a membership packet to those nominated
Jorgensen: Alaska, Hawaii, North Dakota, Utah, Wyoming
Bird: Arizona, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, South Dakota
Wilcox: California,
Hammond: Colorado
Yulo: Connecticut
Simpson: Delaware, Michigan, Virginia
Houston: DC, Maryland,
Coleman: Florida
Otto: Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, Minnesota, Texas
Rasmussen, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Washington
Warfield: Illinois, New Mexico
Stellar: Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York
Ferguson: New Jersey
Thompson: North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Mississippi
Edwards: Rhode Island, Pennsylvania
Reep: Ohio
Dlugosh: Oklahoma, Nebraska, Wisconsin, higher education
McKay: International and higher education
States not represented: Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Maine, Puerto Rico, Vermont, and West Virginia
Meeting Adjourned: Saturday, July 1, 2000, at 11:30 a.m.
jm posted on web 9/21/00
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