The Horace Mann League
Board Meeting Agenda
Friday, June 19, 1998, 3:30 p.m. – – Jefferson Co. Public Schools
(Return to HML website)
Dr. Jane Hammond, President, Presiding
Meeting called to order by Dr. Hammond at 3:30 p.m.
Members Present: Drs. Hoban, Bird, Jorgensen, Ferguson, Otto, Dlugosh, Stellar, Thompson, Hammond, and McKay.
Discussion on the future priorities of the Horace Mann League
- Reviewed the primary mission of the Horace Mann League.
- Perpetuate the beliefs of Horace Mann
- Strengthen public education
- Increase the image of public education
- What are the services the HML can provide to the member?
- Anticipate the future of public education
- Help members understand and explain the value of a strong public school system
- Publish a book on the value of public education
- Develop a kit of strategies for supts on promoting public education
- Recognize corporate and foundation leaders who support public education
- Host a pre-conference session on the value of public education
- Create an umbrella organizational structure to connect the memberships interested in promoting public education.
Meeting recessed until Saturday, June 20, 1998
Meeting reconvened at 8:30 am, Saturday, June 20, 1998
Presiding: Jane Hammond, President
- Moved to approve the Minutes of February 28, 1998 by Dr. Ferguson, seconded by Dr. Bird. Passed.
Reviewed Membership and Financial Report.
- Executive Director requested an audit committee be established to review the finances of the organization.
- Moved by Dr. Bird, to establish an “Audit Review Committee, chaired by Dr. Hoban, seconded by Dr. Dlugosh. Passed.
- Executive Director requested to send a letter to the Johnson Corporation expressing appreciation for the contribution to offset the luncheon and directory expenses.
Review and update the Strategic Plan
4.1. Public Relations
- Report on marketing the book: “The Art of Teaching”. Marketed at AASA and will be part of a national mailing by AASA during the summer. The “Art of Teaching” is distributed to all new and renewing members.
- Reviewed progress report on the Horace Mann stamp by Dr. Hoban.
- Dr. Hoban encouraged members to write letters of support for the HM stamp.
- Letters of support should be sent to John Sawyer, Jostens Corp. (1-800-422-4339)
- Reviewed HML publications.
- Dr. McKay reviewed current annual publications by the HML: two newsletters and one directory per year.
- HML Note cards can be purchased for $7.00 for a set of ten cards.
- Discussed concept of publishing a six-page document on ideas for promoting public education.
- Complimentary of AASA’s feature in the AASA Convention Reporter on the Horace Mann League Luncheon and the awarding of the “Outstanding Educator Award” to Governor Hunt.
4.2. Horace Mann League Foundations
- Reviewed the need for a HML Foundation.
4.3. Identified key issues and services to the membership
- Discussed the idea of conduct survey. Suggested topics:
- Destructive Factors – 4th Annual Report
- Reasons why public education can’t fail
- Stories of successes of public school graduates
- Other projects and Publications
- Discussed publishing book on the value of public education. Possible sections:
- Examples of the successes of public education
- Vignettes of successful people from public education
- Series of short presentations for groups, i.e., Rotary
- Examples of letters to the editor
- Discussed arrange for presentations at AASA and NSBA
- Directed the Executive Director to propose presentations at the AASA and NSBA conferences on topics related to the value of public education
- Discussed the reading list about public schools
- Directed the Executive Director to update the reading list for people interested in reading and research about the value of public education.
- Tabled discussion of develop clearinghouse of experts of public education
5. Discussed proposals for a proactive role with government leaders
- Identify HML rep. to the AASA Legislative group.
- Directed the Executive Director to work with Paul Houston on establishing liaison with the AASA Legislative Committee.
- Discussed sharing “Top Ten Factors” with state and federal (no action)
- Develop strategies for monitoring legislative and judicial issues.
- Dr. Jorgensen reviewed possible cases recommended by Fred Hartmeister.
- Moved by Dr. Bird, seconded by Dr. Otto, to proceed with the feasibility of developing a “Friend of the Court” brief for the appeal of the Jackson v. Benson case in Wisconsin regarding public tax funds used as vouchers for private school tuition.
- Amended motion to require all legal involvement activities supported by the HML to be approved by the Executive Committee.
6. Discussed recruiting and recognizing those who advance public education. Reaffirmed the position that those presented with HML Awards must be present.
- Established a nomination list for the “Outstanding Educator award. The Executive Director will follow-up on nominations. Suggested:
- Dr. John Goodlad
- Dr. Linda Darling Hammond
- Established a nomination list for the “Outstanding Friend of Education” award. Suggested:
- Bill Moyer, Writer
- Annenburg Foundation
- Milken Foundation
7. Recognize those members who advance public education
- Arrange for Award for 15 + years
- Directed the Executive Director to establish a list of those members who have been members for 15 or more years – to be recognized at the annual meeting.
8. Terms and Appointments – Nominations
- Discussed Board of Directors nominations and relative to Past-Presidents
- Moved by Dr. Ferguson, Seconded by Dr. Stellar that the following be reappointed to three-year terms on the Board of Directors
- Dr. Ben Canada 1998-2000
- Dr. Larry Dlugosh 1998-2000
- Dr. Spike Jorgensen 1998-2000
- Established a list of nominations for 1999-2001 terms. President and Executive Director will follow-up on nominations to confirm interest.
- Vice President – The Executive Committee reported to the Directors on the nomination for Vice President. The President will contact the nominee to confirm acceptance.
9. Discussed format for 1999 Annual Luncheon at AASA
- Introduce Board of Directors and Officers – McKay
- Introduce past presidents – Hammond
- Introduce Horace Mann – Bird or Hammond
- The Award recipients for Outstanding Friend and Educator will have between five and ten minutes following acceptance.
10. Agenda for Board Meeting at AASA (To be developed by the President and Executive Director.)
11. Discussed the 1999 summer board meeting time and place: Agreed on Summer Board Meeting for 1999:
- Friday-Saturday, June 25-26, 1999
- Ellensburg, Washington – Central Washington University
(Return to HML website)
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